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词汇 鼻子上
例句 He landed a punch on Jackson's nose.他往杰克逊的鼻子上打了一拳。Tiny raindrops gleamed on her pert little nose.小雨滴在她小巧的鼻子上闪着光。Beads of sweat glistened on her stubborn little nose.她那小小的翘鼻子上闪烁着汗珠。The boy sat there with his finger up his nose.男孩坐在那儿,一根指头放在鼻子上She pushed her spectacles further up her nose and sighed.她把眼镜又往鼻子上推了推,叹了口气。The punch landed on his nose.这一拳打在了他的鼻子上I had a tongue piercing, an ear piercing, and a nose ring.我的舌头和耳朵穿了眼儿,鼻子上带了一只环。The first punch fell on his nose.第一拳落在他的鼻子上Can you balance a spoon on your nose?你能把一个勺子平放在你的鼻子上吗?She puckered her lips into a rosebud and kissed him on the nose.她双唇努起犹如一朵玫瑰花蕾,在他的鼻子上吻了一下。Her hands were covered in dust and she had a black smudge on her nose.她的手上沾满了灰尘,鼻子上也有黑乎乎的一块。She tallowed her nose.她将兽脂油涂于鼻子上The freckles over her nose were an added attraction rather than otherwise.鼻子上的雀斑不但无损容貌,反使她更加娇美动人。There's too much powder on your nose.鼻子上的粉擦得太多了。I answered his threat with a blow on his nose.我朝他鼻子上打了一拳,来回答他对我的威胁。Powdering a sweaty nose will only block up the pores and make the skin more uncomfortable.往出汗的鼻子上扑粉只会堵塞毛孔,使皮肤更加不舒服。He had a large red pimple on his nose.鼻子上有个很大的红色脓疱。She punched him on the nose.她一拳狠狠打在他的鼻子上I wanted to punch him on the nose.我很想在他鼻子上揍一拳。The bull had a ring through its nose.这头公牛的鼻子上穿了一个环。He hit me plumb on the nose.他正好打在我的鼻子上Mr Gillespie had surgery to remove an abscess from his nose.吉拉斯皮先生动手术切除了鼻子上的脓肿。A blow on the nose brought the water into his eyes.鼻子上挨了一击使他眼泪直流。He was annoyed by a fly's persistence in landing on his nose.一只苍蝇老要飞落在他鼻子上,这使他大为恼怒。




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