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词汇 chewing
例句 He was chewing the rag at me the whole afternoon.他整个下午唠唠叨叨数落我。Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple.丹尼尔倚在沙发上,嘴里还在嚼着苹果。He sat for a moment chewing the cud before he spoke.他坐着沉思了片刻才开口说话。The chewing gum wouldn't come off.口香糖去不掉。Stop chewing your nails.别咬你的指甲了。The boys are chewing the fat at the counter.男孩子们在柜台旁闲聊。The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud.附近地里的牛仍在安静地反刍食物。He took my offer after chewing on it.仔细考虑后他接受了我的提议。He sat for a moment chewing his cud before he spoke.他坐着沉思了片刻才开口说话。There was a cow in the field, slowly chewing a mouthful of grass.田里有头奶牛在慢慢地嚼着一嘴的草。The dog is chewing on what appears to be a sock.那只狗正在咬像是只袜子的东西。Take that chewing gum out of your mouth!把那口香糖吐出来!He didn't reply immediately, but seemed rather to be chewing his cud.他没有立即回答,不过看上去在反复思考。The menfolk were chewing the fat over wool prices.男人们在为羊毛的价格争论不休。Quit biting/chewing your fingernails.别再咬指甲了。We sat in a bar most of the evening just chewing the fat.那天晚上大部分时间我们坐在酒吧里聊天。She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair.她有咀嚼头发梢的恶心习惯。They stopped up leaks with chewing gum.他们用口香糖堵住了漏的地方。The dog was chewing on a bone.那只狗在啃骨头。The toy was all slobbery because the dog had been chewing on it.那个玩具上全都是口水,因为狗一直咬它。Some smokers use chewing gum containing nicotine to help them kick the habit.有些吸烟的人用含有尼古丁的口香糖来帮助戒烟。This town is notorious for chewing people up and spitting them out.这个城市恶名昭彰,它把人作践了,然后抛弃掉。One girl was chewing gum.一个女孩在嚼口香糖。They told him to keep his mouth closed when chewing and not to talk with his mouth full.他们要他咀嚼时把嘴闭上,不要含着食物说话。Oscar was teething and was chewing absolutely anything.奥斯卡正长乳牙,什么东西都嚼。I've been chewing the problem over since last week.从上个星期我就一直在仔细考虑这个问题。Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.把口香糖从你的嘴里拿出来。She was reading a book and chewing gum like sixty.她悠然自得地一边看书,一边嚼着口香糖。The buccinator helps to hold the cheek to the teeth during chewing.颊肌用于在咀嚼时协助将面颊与牙齿的运动连在一起。We'd been lounging around, chewing the fat for a couple of hours.我们东游西逛,瞎扯了两三个钟头。Helen sat there, chewing a piece of gum.海伦坐在那里,嚼着口香糖。We left her chewing a celery stick.我们由着她嚼一根芹菜梗。The rebels are now chewing up Government-held territory.叛军正在侵蚀政府的地盘。She stuck her chewing gum on the bottom of the chair.她把口香糖粘在椅子的底部。The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.她自己嚼咽食物的声音非常大。He was chewing on a straw.他嘴里嚼着一根稻草。I've tried everything from herbal cigarettes to chewing gum…中草药香烟、口香糖之类的我统统都试过了。Most high-fiber foods require more chewing.大部分的高纤维食物需要咀嚼很久。She took out a piece of chewing gum and popped it in her mouth.她掏出一块口香糖,一下子塞进口中。She was chewing at her lower lip.她咬着下嘴唇。




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