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词汇 legally
例句 A document signed in another country is as legally binding as one signed at home.在国外签署的文件同在国内签署的具有同样的法律约束力。You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them.法律上你有权把有瑕疵的产品退还给你购物的商店。The child has now been legally adopted.这个孩子现已被合法收养。The drug can no longer be legally prescribed.开这种药物不再合法。Car park owners should be legally responsible for protecting vehicles.停车场场主有保护停放车辆的法律责任。The drug is legally obtainable in this country.这种药在这个国家可以合法获得。His admirers claim that he came to power perfectly legally, but the fact remains that he did so by exploiting an illegal situation.他的崇拜者称他的上台是完全合法的,但必须承认,他是利用了一次非法事件上台的。These standards need to be legally enforceable.这些标准需要依法实行。Their marriage is not legally valid.他们的婚姻在法律上是无效的。They are still legally married.他们在法律上仍然是夫妻。The auditor found that they had acted legally and ethically.审计员发现他们的运作合法合理。The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.当局负有逮捕所有疑犯的法律责任。Fuchs had entered the country legally on a tourist visa.富克斯是用旅游签证合法入境的。He was legally bound to report them to the authorities.他有法律义务将这些报告给当局。Administrators should make sure the programmes are legally sound.行政官员应确保计划是合法的。At that age they can legally drink alcohol.依照法律,他们这个年龄可以饮酒。Sharon's parents claim that the house is legally theirs.沙伦的父母声称房子是他们的合法财产。The suspect must appear and may be legally represented.嫌疑人必须出庭或由律师代表。Many of these sites-of immense scientific interest-are not legally protected.许多这类具有重大科学意义的场所没有得到法律的保护。Alabama may have been legally forced by the courts to kill off its segregationist policies.亚拉巴马州可能已被法院依法强令终止其种族隔离政策。The United Nations was legally obligated to play a role.联合国在法律上有义务发挥作用。It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them if they become incapable of looking after themselves.从法律上说,如果老年人生活不能自理,可以指定某个人作为自己的代理。The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state.该酒合法出售,用卡车运出了该州。People with criminal backgrounds are legally constrained from working for some government agencies.法律禁止有犯罪前科的人供职于某些政府机构。I got this money legally.我得到这笔钱是合法的。The state is legally bound to provide each child with an education.法律规定国家有义务为每个孩子提供受教育的机会。Some workers are legally employed, but the majority work unofficially with neither health nor wage security.虽然一些工人是合法雇用的,但大部分工人都是非正式的,没有医疗及工资保障。He was legally drunk. 依据法律,他达到了醉酒程度。This agreement is legally binding.这一协议具有法律约束力。The contract is legally binding.这份合同具有法律约束力。Northern Ireland has an inordinate number of legally held firearms.北爱尔兰有太多合法拥有的枪支。Restaurants are legally obliged to display prices for food and drink.法律规定餐馆必须得标明食物和饮料的价格。Employers are legally obliged to consult trade unions about any redundancy proposals.任何裁员的提议,按照法律规定雇主都必须和工会协商。He's still too young to buy alcohol legally.他还小,尚未达到可以买酒的法定年龄。The agreement will be legally binding.这个协议将具有法律效力。There are ways of legally avoiding taxes.有种种方法可以合法避税。All cars in this state must be insured in order to legally be driven.这个州的所有汽车必须投保后才能合法驾驶。Henceforth, all religious societies will be legally recognised.从此以后,所有宗教团体都将得到法律的承认。The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30.美国政府会计年度法定为九月三十日结束。Many documents must be notarized before they become legally effective.许多文件须经公证才能在法律上生效。




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