例句 |
A laparoscopic prostatectomy is carried out using slender tubes inserted through five small holes in the abdomen.腹腔镜前列腺切除术是通过腹部的五个切口插入细管进行的。Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an increase in size of the prostate.前列腺良性增生是指前列腺变大。The principal underlying cause of men's urinary tract symptoms is benign prostatic hyperplasia.男性尿道症状的最主要原因是良性前列腺增生。Symptoms related to the prostate include painful micturition.和前列腺相关的症状包括排尿疼痛。An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.前列腺增大并不一定意味着癌变。 |