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词汇 leap
例句 His move to the left was not a sudden leap but a natural working out of ideas.他转向左派不是一种骤变,而是思想意识的自然发展。The boy escaped with an agile leap.这男孩灵敏地一跳逃脱了。The new drug is a quantum leap in the fight against cancer.这种新药是抗癌的一次重大突破。The smaller animals can easily leap from tree to tree.身体较小的动物可以在树丛间轻巧地跳来跳去。Prudent people are not going to take a leap in the dark.小心谨慎的人是不会轻易冒险的。Oil prices are prone to leap up overnight.石油价格往往一夜之间就会上涨。He will be the least experienced leader ever of the party. It will be a leap in the dark.他将是这个党有史以来最没有经验的领导者。这将是一场冒险。Prices have taken a quantum leap upward.物价大幅攀升。He blamed the leap in prices for their problems.他把他们的问题归咎于价格暴涨。It requires a significant leap of faith to believe that we can succeed where so many others have failed.如果认为我们能在那么多人都失败的事情上获得成功,就必须有大胆的信念。A footstep in the doorway made her leap, guiltily, to her feet.门口的脚步声使她内疚地一跳便站了起来。It took a big leap of faith to decide to quit my job and try something new.放弃我的工作尝试新的东西的确不是一个容易的决定。The company has to be prepared, metaphorically speaking, to leap into the dark.打个比方,公司要准备好往黑暗处跳。One of the strengths of this book is to help us take the imaginative leap into bygone eras.这本书的亮点之一,是帮助我们展开想象的翅膀进入既往的年代。I made the leap from the high point of our bows.我从船首最高处往下跳。The dancers leap in seeming defiance of the laws of gravity.那些舞者轻盈地跳跃,似乎万有引力定律完全不起作用。I chose to take a leap of faith and do the movie.我选择顶着风险拍摄这部电影。He has taken/made a leap of faith in starting his own business.他坚定不移地要自己创业。All weddings are a leap in the dark.所有婚礼都是一场未知的冒险。Salmon thrash their tails and leap from the water.大马哈鱼猛烈甩动尾巴,跳出水面。He threw the mooring lines ashore and took a flying leap but missed the bank.他把缆绳扔上岸并纵身一跃,但是没能跳到岸上。They've made a great leap forward with their building in the last few years.最近几年来,他们的建筑工作有了长足的进步。She was watching the coffee leap and darken in the glass dome of the percolator.她看着咖啡在咖啡壶的玻璃顶球里翻腾,颜色越来越深。The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare.这种疫苗的问世是医疗保健领域的重大突破。If you're planning to invest in your friend's company, I advise you to look before you leap.如果你打算投资朋友的公司,我劝你要三思而行。People were forced to leap to safety from the burning building.人们被迫跳离着火的大楼以逃生。The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women's equality.任命一名女局长从男女平等方面来说是个大飞跃。It takes/requires a leap of faith to believe that this project can succeed.要相信这个工程能成功需要坚定的信念。She made the difficult leap from college to the workplace.她经历了从大学到职场的艰难转变。The share price is likely to leap upwards.该股票价格可能会猛涨。Moving to a place where I knew no one was a big leap for me.搬到一个举目无亲的地方对我来说是人生的一大转折。Once more he's making a leap into the unknown without a plan.他再次毫无计划地乱闯。There has been a quantum leap in the range of the wines sold in the UK.英国销售的葡萄酒品种大大增加。Take a leap of faith and trust them.你就放胆一试,相信他们吧。Technology has taken a great leap forward.技术有了飞跃大发展。He ran and took a flying leap over the stream.他跑起来,跨步越过小溪。His move to America was a leap in the dark.他迁居美洲是件冒险的事。My horse can take the leap with great ease.我的马能够轻而易举地跳过这障碍物。Some monkeys can leap four or five metres from one tree to another.有些猴子能从一棵树跳到另一棵树上,距离有四五米远。Don't be so nervous-anyone would think I was about to leap on you.别那么紧张,你那样的话大家都会以为我会朝你扑过去。




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