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词汇 leant
例句 He leant against her so heavily that she could barely sustain his weight.他重重地靠在她身上,她快撑不住了。The cottage was so old that it leant to one side.村舍太老旧,已经歪向一侧了。He leant his back against the wall.他倚靠在墙上。They both leant against the wall, laughing helplessly.他们俩靠在墙上,笑得没力气了。The driver of the truck leant out of the window and yelled at me aggressively.卡车司机探身出窗外,挑衅地冲着我叫骂。The table lurched as a young man leant his weight on it.一个小伙子把身体往上一靠,桌子就歪了。She leant across the table towards me.她隔着桌子俯身向我靠过来。With a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes.她叹了口气,身体向后倚靠,闭上了眼睛。He leant his bicycle against the fence.他把自行车斜靠在篱笆上。He leant on the wall.他靠在墙上。She leant forward and tweaked both ends of his moustache.她俯身向前,揪住他的两撇胡子。Linda leant out of the widow and shouted out my name.琳达把身子探出窗外,大声喊我的名字。He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue.他倚靠在墙上,拼尽力气继续下去。Caroline leant across the table towards him.卡罗琳隔着桌子俯身向他靠过来。The farmer leant on his crook.农民靠在他的曲柄杖上。He leant against the wall.他紧靠着墙。Franklin leant over and conferred with his attorneys.富兰克林俯身和他的律师商议起来。Fran leant over and whispered something in her sister's ear.弗兰弯下身子,贴着她妹妹的耳朵小声地说着什么。She leant towards him and listened.她探过身子去听他说话。She leant out of the window.她把身子探到窗外。Ed leant against the wall, languidly stroking the dog.埃德靠在墙上,懒洋洋地抚摸着狗。The ambulance man leant over the body, clucking his tongue with a disapproving `tsk, tsk'.救护人员俯身看了看尸体,嘴里发出啧啧的咂舌声表示不满。She leant her bike against the shop window.她把自行车靠在商店橱窗上。Sam leant over to open the door of the car.萨姆俯身去开车门。She leant forward to peruse the document more closely.她俯身向前,更仔细地读那份文件。Canada, the UK and Japan leant towards the US view.加拿大、英国和日本都倾向于美国的看法。He leant forward and snuffed the candle.他俯下身掐灭了蜡烛。She leant out of the window and blew him a kiss.她探出窗外,给他送上一个飞吻。He leant in and kissed her as I watched enviously.他俯身亲吻她,我羡慕地看着这一切。We leant over backwards to make sure that candidates from minority groups were given a fair chance.我们竭尽全力确保来自少数派团体的候选人得到公平的机会。




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