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词汇 leaning
例句 The shop assistant received me indifferently while leaning on a counter.商店售货员靠在柜台上漫不经心地招呼我。Rees was leaning out of the boat trailing his hand through the water.里斯把身体探出船外,一只手在水中拖着。Her leaning is toward a career in medicine.她倾向于从事医疗行业。He was leaning on the bridge, watching the boats go by.他靠在桥上,看着船来船往。Can you stop leaning on me please? My arm's gone to sleep.请别再靠着我好吗?我手臂已经麻木了。The taxi driver was waiting out front, leaning on the horn.出租车司机一边在前面等着,一边用力按着喇叭。The ladder was leaning against the wall.梯子斜靠在墙上。That fence is leaning to the right.那个栅栏向右倾斜。Of course, I'm no expert but that wall really looks like it's leaning over.当然我不是专家,不过那堵墙好像真的倾斜了。The statue is leaning to the side.雕像向一边倾斜。Joe was leaning against the school wall, smoking a cigarette.乔靠在学校的围墙上,抽着一根香烟。The ladder was leaning against the house.梯子斜靠着房子立着。He was leaning heavily on the table.他缓缓地靠在桌子上。Isn't that house leaning a little bit to the right?那房子是不是有点向右斜?They were leaning forward, facing each other.他们面对面身体前倾。They came to Pisa and saw the leaning tower.他们来到了比萨也看到了斜塔。She was leaning against a display case of prints of Paris.她正倚靠在一个展示巴黎照片的陈列柜上。There were a couple of fellas leaning up by the bar.有几个小伙子斜倚在吧台边。A man was leaning on the railing.一个男子倚靠在栏杆上。He was leaning over the wall, beckoning me.他趴在墙头向我招手。He was leaning languidly against the wall.他无精打采地靠在墙上。He's developed a slouch from leaning over his books all day.他整天低着头看书,逐渐形成了一副弯腰弓背的样子。She stood leaning on her right leg.她斜站着,把重心放在右腿上。Bill was leaning over to watch, and lost his balance.比尔俯身去看,结果失去了平衡。She was leaning confidentially across the table.她神神秘秘地从桌上探过身来。He was leaning against a tree to steady his aim.他靠在树上以便稳稳地瞄准。He was leaning recklessly out of the unshuttered window.他冒冒失失地从没有遮拦的窗户探出身去。He was getting a crick in his neck from leaning out of the window for so long.他探身出窗时间太久了,脖子都僵了。They were leaning on the governor to pass the law.他们正对州长施压以通过这条法律。She sat leaning sideways a little.她微微侧身坐着。His leaning was more toward singing than books.他爱好唱歌胜过读书。Alice, very pale, was leaning against him as if for support.脸色苍白的艾丽斯靠在他身上,像在寻求支撑。The younger policeman was leaning against the bureau with his arms folded.那位较年轻的警官两臂交叉,倚靠在办公桌旁。The board of directors is leaning in favour of supporting the merger.董事会倾向于支持合并。Angus was leaning on his walking stick for support.安格斯拄着他的拐棍,好站稳。The mayor is leaning toward closing down the school.市长倾向于关闭那所学校。A huge mirror was leaning against the wall.一面巨大的镜子斜靠在墙上。She hasn't made a decision yet, and I don't know which way she's leaning.她尚未做出决定,而且我不知道她倾向于用哪种方式。Several passengers were leaning against the ship's rail.几名乘客斜靠在轮船的栏杆上。She's leaning toward a career in medicine. 她很可能选择医务工作作为职业。




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