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词汇 lean
例句 This is a lean budget and we have kept earmarks to a minimum.这个预算精打细算,我们已经把专项资金保持在最低限度。It's sometimes considered bad manners to lean your elbows on the table when you're eating.吃饭时双肘支在桌子上有时被视为是不礼貌的。This is where the action of the speed and lean of the riders seem to defy gravity and motion.这正是骑手的速度和倾斜度似乎能够摆脱重力和惯性的地方。He was staggering and had to lean on the bar.他走路摇摇晃晃,不得不靠在吧台上。We wanted our business to be lean and mean. 我们想把生意做得既高效又成功。Everybody needs someone to lean on in times of trouble.每个人身处困境时都需要有个人来依靠。We wanted our business to be lean and mean.我们希望自己的企业精简高效。We lean on our friends when we are in trouble.我们遇到困难时依靠朋友帮助。I lean to the opinion that things are getting worse.我倾向于那种认为事情正越来越糟的看法。He was a lean, patrician gent in his early sixties.他是一个六十岁出头、有着贵族气质的清瘦绅士。The nurse saw him falter and made him lean on her.护士见他站不稳,就让他靠着她。He's got that lean and hungry look.他一副志在必得的样子。Pilates or yoga will also help you build long, lean muscles.普拉提或瑜伽会帮助你练就纤长的肌肉。One way to create this obtuse angle is to lean back further.形成这种钝角的方法之一是再向后倾斜一点。Most scientists would probably lean towards this viewpoint.大多数科学家很可能都会倾向于这个观点。It is a lean time for the fashion business.对时装业来说这是段不景气的时间。He is a tall, lean man, with an unremarkable face.他又高又瘦,长相平平。We may have to lean on them a little if we want our money.我们如果想把钱拿回来,就必须要对他们施加一些压力。Politically, I lean towards the right.政治上我属于右倾。Someone could lean too hard and cause them to break into pieces.如果有人用力倚靠,会把它们压成碎片的。He is one of those lean, hyper-fit people.他属于那种瘦削、过于健美的人。She was someone you could lean on.她是你可以依赖的人。He is good-looking with floppy black hair, brown eyes and a lean muscular body.他长得很好看,松垂的黑发,棕色的眼睛,健美结实的身材。When I get home from work I like to just sit/lean back on the couch and relax.下班回家后我就喜欢坐/靠在长沙发上休息。They stopped to lean over a gate.他们停下脚步,在一扇门上探出身来。Perhaps I'll buy lean meat and mince it myself.也许我会买些瘦肉自己剁碎。Don't lean over too far.身体不要过分前倾。I'm being very careful to sit up straight and not lean too far to the right or left.我现在非常注意要坐得笔挺,不东倒西歪。Subsidence made its walls lean drunkenly.地面下沉使得墙面摇摇欲坠地歪向一边。Nowadays even efficient, lean, well-run industries are failing.如今即使是那些高效、精干、管理良好的行业也在亏损。Soldiers under oath to a lord deserted in the cold and lean winters.宣誓效忠君主的士兵在饥寒交迫的冬天逃跑了。The couple lean on each other for support.夫妻俩互相扶持。A hamburger is far more fatty than lean steak.汉堡比瘦牛排脂肪含量高多了。When you eat meat, select lean cuts.你吃肉要拣瘦肉块吃。The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season.从经济作物中获得的收益能帮助他们度过不景气的时期。I only eat lean meat.我只吃瘦肉。She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him.她正感到有些疲倦,因此很高兴可以靠在他身上。She ran a lean and efficient company.她经营着一家节约而高效的公司。He's a very handsome man: tall, lean and tanned with thick blond hair.他很英俊,瘦高个儿,皮肤黝黑,长着一头浓密的金发。The recipe calls for a good lean cut of beef.菜谱要求用上好的精瘦牛肉块。




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