例句 |
These days, thrifts place most of their money into boring but safe mortgages.当今储蓄银行把绝大部分资金投入到乏味但安全的住房按揭中。A thrift institution is a kind of savings bank.储蓄机构是一种储蓄银行。I keep my money in a savings bank.我的钱存在一家储蓄银行里。A thrift or a thrift institution is a kind of savings bank.储蓄或储蓄机构是一种储蓄银行。She has her money in one of the largest savings banks.她把钱存进了一家大型储蓄银行。Many savings banks pay interest every quarter.许多储蓄银行按季支付利息。 |