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词汇 lawful
例句 There is a clear distinction between lawful protest and illegal strike action.合法抗议与非法罢工行动之间有着显而易见的区别。He said he was going about his lawful business as a journalist.他说作为一名记者,自己的这些行为是合法的。Hunting is a lawful activity.狩猎是合法活动。The FBI will use all reasonable and lawful means to gather intelligence information.联邦调查局会使用各种合理合法的手段来搜集情报。Politicians know they cannot create a lawful society simply at the stroke of a pen.政治家们知道,他们无法轻而易举地创建一个法制社会。He recognized John as his lawful heir.他确认约翰为自己的合法继承人。This is a perfectly lawful activity.这项活动完全合法。It was lawful for the doctors to treat her in whatever way they considered was in her best interests.医生以他们认为的最好方法对她进行治疗,这是合法的。Protesters must only use lawful methods of opposing the government.抗议者必须采用合法手段来反对政府。They went to court to determine the property's lawful owner.他们打官司决定财产的法定所有人。Judge Keenan concluded that the surveillance had been lawful.基南法官裁定这种监视属合法行为。The judge in the present case had been wrong to hold that the initial arrest was not lawful and the court allowed the appeal on that question.审理此案的法官错误地认为最初的逮捕是不合法的,法庭批准对该问题提出上诉。It is our task to convince the multitudes that we are pursuing a lawful hobby in a lawful way.我们的任务是要让民众相信,我们是在用合法的方式来从事一种合法的爱好。They were exercising their lawful right to protest.他们行使自己合法的抗议权利。When children pretend to be violent, they may be playing out evil in a lawful setting, preventing trouble in later life.当儿童假装进行暴力活动的时候,也许正是在合法的场景中排遣做坏事的心理,从而避免在日后的生活中惹是生非。It is not lawful to park in front of a hydrant.在消防栓前泊车是不合法的。Is it lawful to hunt deer in this state?在这个州捕鹿是否合法?




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