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词汇 law
例句 She was a rebel, who horrified her family by rejecting a promising career in law to become an actor.她是个叛逆的人,放弃了很有前途的律师工作去当演员,使家人大为震惊。A controversy arose over the new law.这一新法律引起了争议。He now has the law on his side.他现在有了法律的支持。Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.很多人不赞成这项新法律,但是却没有机会去表达他们的反对意见。The law forbids discrimination on the grounds of race or religion.法律禁止以种族或宗教信仰为由实行歧视。This report shows that wealthy people are treated with more leniency when they break the law.这篇报道说明,有钱人犯法会得到更宽大的处理。This law would unfairly penalize immigrants.这项法律将使移民处于不利地位。The court case turned upon a technicality of company law.这起诉讼案件取决于公司法的一个细则。After law school, he was given a job in the city's legal department.法学院毕业后他在市司法部门获得一份工作。The company is operating entirely within the law.这家公司的运作完全是合法的。When the individual is made the judge, jury and executioner of whomsoever displeases him, what becomes of law, of order, of civilization?当一个人成了那个冒犯了他的人的法官、陪审员、和死刑执行者时,还会有什么法律、章程、和文明? Roman law still forms the basis of our own legal system.罗马法仍是我们法律体系的基础。British law forbids incitement to murder.英国法律禁止煽动杀人。The court ruled/declared the law unconstitutional.法庭裁定/宣布这项法规违背宪法。The law applies to both heterosexual and homosexual employees.这条法规对于异性恋和同性恋的雇员都适用。The law could arrest the development of good research if applied prematurely.如果草率施行,该法律将会阻滞高质量研究的进展。They couldn't mobilize enough support to pass the new law.他们无法动员足够的支持使新法律获得通过。He joined an old-line New York law firm.他加入了纽约一家历史悠久的律师事务所。The agency subleases office space from a law firm.这家代理机构从一家律师事务所转租来了办公用房。The law was amended so that profits from drug dealing could be seized by the government.法律作了修改,以使政府能够没收贩毒所得的利润。A fetus is not a person in law.胎儿不是法律意义上的人。The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.现行的选举法仍然对执政党非常有利。She had the arrogance to believe the law did not apply to her.她竟自负得认为法律对她不适用。The government may declare martial law in response to the latest violence in the region.政府可能会宣布戒严,应对该地区最近发生的暴力事件。This ran afoul of the law.这与法律相抵触。Local magistrates are expected to respect the law and provide even-handed justice.人们希望地方法官能尊重法律,并主持公道。She took advantage of a loophole in the tax law.她利用了税法的漏洞。The play was interdicted by law.剧本被依法禁演。The law reforms were opportune and important.法律的改革适逢其时,事关重大。He's spoken out defiantly against the new law.他公然反对这项新的法律。A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething, bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check.表面上的几条法令基本控制不住无政府混乱局面的湍流涌动。The new law gives local governments a significant measure of control over their own finances.新法规给了地方政府相当大程度的财政自主权。The State Assembly passed a law which banned smoking in public places.州议会通过了一项法律,禁止在公共场所吸烟。You are legally obligated to repay the loan. = You are obligated by law to repay the loan.从法律上来说你必须偿还这笔贷款。Observance of the law is a matter of principle for us.守法对我们来说是个原则问题。The prime minister has promised to tighten up the law on carbon dioxide emissions.首相承诺要更严格执行控制二氧化碳排放的法规。Schools are required by law to provide a safe learning environment.法令要求学校提供安全的学习环境。The legislators vowed to see the bill through Congress to make sure that it became a law.立法委员们发誓推动法案在国会获得通过,确保其成为法律。She is almost through with law school. 她就要从法学院毕业了。Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband.她婆婆挑起她与丈夫间的不和。




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