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词汇 launch
例句 The launch was postponed to a later date.发射被延期进行。NASA has not yet named the date for the shuttle launch.美国国家航空航天局尚未确定航天飞机的发射日期。A couple of days ago we opened up the website for a soft launch.几天以前,我们对网站开始进行软启动运行。The countdown for the shuttle launch has already begun.航天飞机的发射已经开始倒计时了。They asked the British to launch a diversionary attack on the north coast.他们要求英国人在北部海岸发动佯攻。The company's spending has also risen following the launch of a new Sunday magazine.发行一本新周日杂志后,公司的开支也跟着上升。He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process.他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平进程。The company plans to use the show as a platform to launch the new soft drink.公司计划以这次展出作为平台推广新的软饮料。Stormy weather kept the launch area socked in for most of the day.暴风雨使得发射区关闭了大半天。There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed.渡船以惊人的速度倾覆,根本来不及放救生艇下水。They plan to launch an expedition into the mountains.他们计划发起一次山区探险。Because of problems with the fuel system, the launch has been put back a week.由于燃料系统有问题,发射计划被推迟了一周。In the wake of a cabinet reshuffle, the new Premier is ready to launch his new policies.在内阁重组之后,新总理即将展开他的新政。The Irish launch was preceded by a three-week teaser campaign.这款爱尔兰产品发布前是为期三周的悬念式广告攻势。NASA has not yet set the date for the shuttle launch.美国国家航空和航天局尚未敲定此次航天飞机的发射日期。How much champagne will we need for the launch?这次发布会我们需要多少香槟酒?On that type of aircraft carrier, a catapult was used to help launch aircraft.那种航空母舰利用弹射器弹射飞机升空。The launch is to be formally presented to trade partners in early summer.这艘大型汽艇将会在初夏正式交给贸易伙伴。The company proudly announced the launch of its new range of cars.该公司骄傲地宣布其新系列轿车的推出。Yesterday, as had been expected, the government announced its intention to launch a public enquiry.不出所料,昨天政府宣布准备进行公开调查。The shuttle's launch has a window of only two days. 航天飞机的合适发射时机只有两天。The launch of our digital satellite service is one of the most exciting things I've worked on.推出数字卫星服务是我所参与过的最让人兴奋的事情之一。The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch.系统自启动以来小故障不断。He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.他承认事后才明白最初的投放量不够大。They're about to launch a campaign to unionize workers at all major supermarkets in the area.他们准备发起一场运动,号召本地区所有大型超市的员工都加入工会。German intelligence expected Japan to launch a surprise attack on the US, and Pearl Harbor was the likely target.德国情报机构预计日本会对美国发动突袭,袭击目标可能是珍珠港。They were waiting for daylight to launch the attack.他们等着天亮发动攻击。They were looking for money to fund/launch a start-up.他们正在筹集资金创业。I met her at the launch of her new book.我在她的新书发布会上认识了她。The satellite had been inactive since its launch two years ago.卫星自从两年前发射以来就一直没起作用。He helped launch her in her career as a singer.他帮助她投身于歌唱事业。The launch of a ship was a big occasion.新船下水是件大事。The coach taught us how to launch a javelin.教练教我们投标枪。During the launch, two rockets boost the shuttle before separating and falling back into the sea.发射过程中,由两枚火箭推进航天飞机,然后分离,落进大海。Teachers, artists, and other intellectuals urged political parties to launch a united movement against the government.教师、艺术家和其他知识分子敦促各政党发起抵制政府的联合运动。They're saying that the democratic campaign is dead in the water just two days after its launch.他们在说,民主运动发起两天之后就偃旗息鼓了。Danni decided to come to England to launch her singing career.丹妮决定到英格兰发展她的歌唱事业。It is extremely difficult to launch a new product in the face of cutthroat competition from rival producers.面对竞争对手们异常激烈的竞争,要开发一种新产品是极其困难的。The rocket blew up on the launch pad.火箭在发射台上爆炸了。Wimbledon has been a launch pad for so many players.温布尔登一直是成就众多球手的地方。




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