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词汇 laughing
例句 The girls were laughing fit to burst.女孩子们笑破了肚皮。Well they paid me, didn't they, so I'm laughing.喏,他们付钱给我了,是不是,所以我正高兴着呢。The whole room was laughing.一屋子人都笑了。We all doubled over laughing.我们都笑得直不起腰了。It's no laughing matter when you lose your job. 要是丢了工作,那可不是闹着玩的。It was so funny we just fell about laughing.太有趣了,我们忍不住哄然大笑。I think they got freaked by women laughing at them.我想他们被那些嘲笑他们的女人搞得不知所措了。We risked becoming the laughing stock of the developed world.我们冒着沦为发达世界笑柄的风险。He was laughing uncontrollably.他笑得停不下来。It was so funny everyone just fell about laughing.太有趣了,所有人都捧腹大笑。They reeled around the room, laughing hysterically.他们在房间里踉踉跄跄地走来走去,狂笑不止。You'll be laughing out of the other side of your face when I start making money with this.当我开始用这个赚钱时,你就会后悔了。It's so embarrassing when everyone else is being serious and you can't stop laughing.大家都一本正经的,而你却忍不住笑起来,这多令人尴尬呀。We just pissed about, laughing.我们只是胡闹,大笑。We nearly died laughing when he told us.他跟我们说的时候我们都快笑死了。English teachers often joked that they could not pass the exam, but for the students it was no laughing matter.英语老师经常开玩笑说他们不能通过这次考试,可是对学生来说那可不是说着玩的。Everyone was laughing at the poor sod.每个人都在嘲笑那个可怜的家伙。I refrained from laughing.我忍住不笑。It's no laughing matter having to walk by a group of rowdy drunks every night just to get home.每天晚上回家得从一群喧闹的醉汉身边经过,那可不是开玩笑的事。Alice was laughing and joking, but her sister remained silent.艾莉丝有说有笑的,但她姐姐却默不作声。He was the laughing stock of the class.他是全班的笑柄。Mum rouses on me for laughing too much on air.妈妈责备我在广播里笑得太多。He was still laughing when he heard the rasp of Rennie's voice.当他听到伦尼尖叫的声音时仍然在笑。If the loan's approved, you're laughing.如果这笔贷款批下来,你就不必发愁了。We could hear them in the room below, laughing and rapping.我们可以听到他们在底下房间里谈笑。They were capering about, shouting and laughing.他们欢呼雀跃,放声大笑。At midnight people poured out into the street shouting and laughing raucously.到了半夜,人们涌到大街上高亢地喊叫着,欢笑着。We were laughing and gossiping, oblivious to the fact that we were on live TV.我们笑着、聊着,忘记了我们正在做电视直播。Lynn gave the game away by laughing when Kim walked in.林恩在金走进来的时候笑了出来,泄露了秘密。People laughed at his predictions of disaster, but no one's laughing now.人们曾嘲笑他对灾难的预言,但现在没人笑了。I had an image of him striding across the road laughing as usual.我脑海里有他一如往常笑着大步穿过马路的模样。She was now laughing, now crying.她一会儿哭,一会儿笑。Their behaviour is an offence. It's no laughing matter.他们这么做是犯罪,这可不是开玩笑的。He pushed his way towards her, laughing.他笑着朝她挤了过去。If the guys hear about this, they're going to die laughing.如果那些家伙听说了这事儿,他们会笑死的。When they saw what their father had done, they both fell about laughing.他们俩看见父亲干的事,都笑得前仰后合。The movie was hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing.那电影太滑稽了。我忍不住大笑。He was laughing like a hyena.他在哈哈大笑,笑得像鬣狗一样。We looked at each other and busted up laughing.我们相互看着对方,突然大笑起来。We sat around the table, talking, laughing, and making plans.我们围坐在桌旁,边谈、边笑、边制定计划。




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