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词汇 stability
例句 It is often difficult to find a proper equilibrium between stability and variability.在稳定性和变化性之间通常很难找到适当的平衡。The country was enjoying a period of political stability.该国政治正处于稳定期。Mr Jenkins' arguments for stability struck a chord with Europe's two most powerful politicians.詹金斯先生关于稳定的论点引起了欧洲两位最有影响的政治家的共鸣。The country is valued as a bulwark of peace, stability, and democracy in a difficult region of the world.这个国家被誉为世界困难地区和平、稳定和民主的保障。The rise of nationalism could threaten the stability of Europe.民族主义的抬头可能会威胁到欧洲的稳定。These kids require a lot of structure and stability.这些孩子需要大量精心的安排和相当的稳定。I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.我相信我们能恢复和平、稳定和对法治的尊重。The legs of the chair are canted slightly to increase stability.椅子腿稍加倾斜以增强其稳定性。If unemployment continues to rise, social stability may be endangered.如果失业率继续上升,可能会危及社会的稳定。Their actions threaten the stability and security of the region.他们的行动威胁到了该地区的稳定和安全。The new covering will not affect the stability of the roof structure.新的覆盖物不会影响屋顶的稳固性。Companies are under pressure to trade off price stability for short-term gains.各公司都迫于无奈,要牺牲价格的稳定来换取短期的利益。Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck.英格兰银行官员仍然坚持说英镑不久就会恢复稳定,但结果灾难爆发了。Political stability will be a prime concern.政治稳定将成为人们首要关心的事情。It could threaten the peace and stability of the region.这可能威胁到该地区的和平与稳定。The policy should bring greater monetary stability to the country.这项政策应该会使该国的货币更加稳健。When a country is able to persevere with reforms, the result can be a return to economic stability.一个国家要是能坚持改革,其结果可能是恢复经济稳定。Can one even talk of stability in the Middle East as long as the conflict is still unsettled?冲突尚未解决,又何谈中东的稳定呢?The conflict is becoming a threat to stability in the region.这一冲突正在成为该地区稳定的威胁。They said the moves were necessary to ensure peace and stability in the region.他们说这些行动是保证该地区的和平与稳定所必需的。These actions may threaten the overall stability of the system.这些行为可能威胁系统的总体稳定性。Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability.压缩空气的喷吐使飞机的左右和前后都能保持稳定。Political stability is essential to economic prosperity.政治稳定对经济繁荣是必要的。Greater international stability can surely only be to the good.国际局势更加稳定当然只会使世人获益。My father wanted me to become a professional and have more stability.我父亲想让我成为职业人士,这样能更稳定一些。That stability was embodied in the Gandhi family.甘地家族体现了那种坚定的品质。Ask yourself if you have the maturity and stability to raise a baby.自问一下,你心理是否成熟,生活是否稳定得可以养育孩子了。They haven't the gall to steal, nor the stability to work.他们既没脸去偷东西,也没恒心去工作。I think at the end of the day, stability is a great prize.我觉得到头来,安稳才是最值得追求的东西。A new threat to Bulgaria's stability is the week-old miners' strike for a trebling of minimum pay.为期一周的矿工罢工要求最低工资增加两倍,这对保加利亚的社会安定构成新的威胁。They believe that religion enhances family stability.他们相信宗教信仰能促进家庭稳定。A central brace improves stability.中心的固定杆提高了稳定性。It was a time of political stability and progress.这是一段政治稳定和进步的时期。Its chemical stability and high melting point make it very dangerous to the body.它的化学稳定性和高熔点使得它对身体而言很危险。Taken together, these measures should ensure a rapid return to financial stability.整体考虑的话,这些措施应可保证很快就能使金融恢复稳定。Some people think that uncontrolled economic growth and environmental stability are mutually exclusive.有些人认为,无节制的经济发展和生态环境的平衡稳定是互不相容的。The programme helps people with mental illness regain stability.这一方案帮助心理疾病患者恢复稳定。The legs cant slightly to increase the chair's stability.椅子腿稍加倾斜以增强其稳定性。The dispute could destroy Australia's hard-won reputation for industrial stability.这场纠纷可能会让澳大利亚劳资关系稳定这一来之不易的名声毁于一旦。For some time, Yeltsin's rule provided an illusion of stability.有一段时间,叶利钦的统治给人一种稳定的假象。




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