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词汇 laugh at
例句 The disrespectful boy laughed at his father.那个无礼的男孩嘲笑自己的父亲。I had to laugh at the insanity of it all.我只得对这一切的荒唐一笑置之。His eyes hardened as he remembered how they had laughed at him.想到他们曾经如何嘲笑他,他的眼神就变得冷酷起来。Don't take life too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself.对待生活不要太过严肃,要学会自嘲。I laughed at the idea.听了那个主意我笑了起来。I didn't want him to look foolish and be laughed at.我不希望见到他出丑,被别人嘲笑。Last year I had an audience of schoolchildren and they laughed at everything.去年我对一群学童讲话,他们听到什么都笑。I had to laugh at the absurdity of the scene.这荒唐的场面,我只能一笑置之。She laughed at the joke.这个笑话把她逗笑了。They laughed at us, but look, who's got the last laugh now?他们曾讪笑我们,可是瞧吧,究竟是谁笑在最后?The children all laughed at his jokes.孩子们听了他的笑话都笑起来。He didn't laugh at any of my jokes. Maybe taxi drivers just don't have a sense of humor.我说什么笑话他都不笑,也许出租车司机就是没有幽默感。They laughed at my joke.他们听了我的笑话全都笑了起来。They laughed at the absurdity of the situation.他们嘲笑那个荒唐的局面。I shouted to him to call his dog off, but he just laughed at me.我大声喊他把狗叫开,可他只是嘲笑我。His mother's pleas to be careful were just laughed at.他对母亲要他小心的嘱咐一笑置之。To rub salt into her wounds, he began to laugh at her.为了加深她的创痛,他开始嘲笑她。He just laughed at me, as per usual.他又像平时一样只是嘲笑我。Sitting inside their tent, they were able to laugh at the weather.他们坐在帐篷里,成功避开天气的干扰。She will laugh at you for babying over her.你把她当婴儿般对待,她要笑你的。At first I was terrified of being laughed at.起初我很害怕被取笑。With wry humour, they laugh at their misfortunes.他们对自己的倒霉事儿加以揶揄。I used to laugh at him, but he never paid any mind.我常常嘲笑他,但他从不在意。We laughed at her obtuseness.我们笑话她愚蠢。The other children laughed at Lisa because her clothes were old-fashioned.其他孩子嘲笑莉萨的衣服太过时了。Young offenders just laugh at this sort of sentence.年轻的罪犯对这种判决根本不在乎。The students laughed at the funny story.听了那个有趣的故事,学生们都笑了起来。She laughed at the birthday card from Myra.她看着迈拉送的生日贺卡笑了。She wanted to laugh at the melodramatic way he was acting.他戏剧化的夸张架势使她忍不住想笑。We can laugh at things in movies that would scare us in real life. 在现实生活中使我们恐惧的东西,在电影里我们可以对它一笑置之。They all laughed at her queer idea.他们都嘲笑她的怪念头。You're amazed that anyone still laughs at these corny old jokes.你会很惊讶,竟然还有人为这些老套的笑话发笑。His problems are very real. I don't think you should laugh at him.他的困难是实有其事的,我觉得你不该嘲笑他。Lysenko gave a deep rumbling laugh at his own joke.李森科讲完笑话,自己低声吃吃笑了起来。A warm overcoat would make him laugh at the worst winter winds.一件暖和的大衣可使他不必畏惧冬季最凛冽的寒风。He was afraid that the other kids would laugh at him.他担心其他孩子会嘲笑他。The other kids laughed at him and called him a sissy because he didn't like sports.因为他不喜欢体育运动,其他孩子都嘲笑他,叫他小娘们。People laughed at him behind his back.人们都在背后笑话他。He laughed at me. For two pins I could have hit him in the face.他笑话我。我恨不得打他的耳光。People laughed at his predictions of disaster, but no one's laughing now.人们曾嘲笑他对灾难的预言,但现在没人笑了。




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