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词汇 later
例句 Let's concentrate on the matter in hand for now, and leave other issues till later.咱们先把精力放在手头的事情上,其他问题留待以后再说吧。The rescuers didn't reemerge from the cave until hours later.救援人员几个小时后才从洞穴里出来。Two months later, on July 6th, he fired Owens.两个月之后,在七月六日,他把欧文斯辞退了。If you don't start studying for your exams, you'll be sorry later.如果你还不开始为考试作准备,以后你会后悔的。His body was discovered on the city's outskirts three days later.他的尸体三天后在市郊被发现。The end flared, but he got two puffs from it before he nipped it out for later.烟头烧旺了,他又抽了两口,才把它掐灭留着以后抽。They regretted their decision later on.他们后来对他们的决定后悔了。An instant later, she let out a piercing scream.没过多久,她发出了一声尖叫。When he had not returned with my money an hour later I realized that I had been taken for a ride.一小时后他没有拿着我的钱回来,我知道自己受骗了。The violence that soldiers experience in war can lead to emotional disturbance in later years.士兵在战争中所经历的暴行会在他们晚年诱发情绪异常。If you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen.如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼。We'll be going live to Nottingham later in this bulletin.在本次新闻快报中,我们稍后将有来自诺丁汉的现场报道。I met a pal of mine later and he suggested that we do a double act.后来我遇到一个朋友,他建议我们演双簧。Just give us a brief report; you can fill us in on the particulars later.只做个简要报告,细节可以以后再告诉我们。This balance between tenderness and mischief would later characterize her comedy.这种对温柔和顽皮恰到好处的拿捏后来成为她喜剧风格的特点。Sorry, I'm busy just now - can I call you later?对不起,我现在忙着一过会儿打电话给你好吗?A month later they executed the king.一个月后他们处决了国王。He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.他承认犯了谋杀罪但后来又翻供了。The stores are open later on Thursdays.商店星期四开门较晚。His early travels were just a preamble to his later adventures.他早期的旅行只是后来冒险经历的一个序曲。He became sedentary later on in his life.他晚年的大部分时间都是坐着度过的。Several months later, another detective made a follow-up call.数月之后,另一位侦探打了个跟进电话。This laid the foundations for later modern economic growth.这为后来的现代经济增长奠定了基础。England equalized ten minutes later.英格兰队在十分钟后将比分扳平。The author returns to the same subject in a later section of the book.在书中较后面的一部分中,作者又回到了原来的这个主题上。She broke her ankle before the big game, then suffered the same fate a month later.大赛之前她弄伤了脚踝,一个月后她又遇到了同样的不幸。In his later life he became even more absent-minded.他晚年变得愈加健忘了。I prefer his earlier paintings to his later ones.比起他晚年的画作,我更喜欢他的早期作品。The battle scene was dubbed with suitable noises later.事后给战斗场面配上恰当的各种音响。The launch was postponed to a later date.发射被延期进行。He was dismissed from the hospital a week later.他一周之后出院了。We could always go later in the season.我们总还可以在这个季节的晚些时候去。I'll give you a call later.我稍后会给你打电话。I have to go to a meeting now, but I'll check in with you later.我现在要去开会了,但晚些时候我会联系你。In later life she was crippled with arthritis.晚年她因患关节炎而行动不便。I'm really struggling with this maths - could you run through it with me later?这道数学题我怎么都做不出来,一会儿你能跟我一起看看吗?He found happiness in later life.他在晚年找到了幸福。The programme was bumped to a later time slot.这档节目被安排到了靠后的时间段。It wasn't until years later that I realized how foolish I'd been.直到很久以后,我才意识到我有多愚蠢。He dismissed her later poems as fey and frivolous.他对她后期的诗作不屑一顾,认为它们轻浮做作。




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