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词汇 troops
例句 He chivvies the troops along with a few well-directed words.他通过几句有针对性的话不断督促着队伍。The rebels headed for the border but government troops were still at their heels.叛军开往边境,可政府军仍紧追不舍。The troops squared their shoulders and stood at attention while the general reviewed them.在接受将军检阅时,部队全体挺胸肃立。Almost three thousand troops are under Captain Marsh's control.马什上尉指挥一支近三千人的军队。The government is concerned that British troops might be taken hostage by guerrillas.政府担心英国部队可能会被游击队扣作人质。Government troops have vanquished the rebels.政府军已经击败了叛乱分子。A ring of armed troops surrounded the building.布成一圈的武装士兵包围了大楼。The rebel troops have launched a coordinated attack on government soldiers.叛军向政府军发起了协同进攻。There are proposals for the immediate withdrawal of federal troops from the province.有人提议,联邦军队应立即撤离该省。The court heard that the general was unable to keep his troops in check.朝廷听说那位将军管不住自己的军队。Enemy troops launched an assault on the town.敌军对该镇发起了进攻。The troops were hard-set before their supplies came.那支军队在补给品运到之前处境困难。The troops were sounding off during their exercises.军队在训练时高喊齐步口令。He made the fateful decision to send in the troops.他作出了派遣部队这个影响重大的决定。The emergency required the dispatch of more troops.为应对这一紧急事件,需要派遣更多的部队。The pull-out of troops will begin soon.马上要开始撤军了。More troops were sent to pacify the area.又有部队派去平息那一地区的骚乱。The soldiers opened fire on enemy troops.士兵们开始向敌军射击。The troops sense of elation at the victory was not to last.军队对这次胜利的兴奋感觉没有维持多久。The President's speech boosted/raised/improved the morale of the troops.总统的演讲鼓舞了军队的士气。The troops stood in ranks.士兵们一排排站好。Enemy troops were even then approaching the city.敌军那时正在逼近那座城市。Rebel forces entered the town and met with no resistance from government troops.叛军进入城里,没有遇到政府军的抵抗。The troops attacked his village and razed it to the ground.军队袭击了他的村庄,然后把它夷为平地。The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.英、美、法部队的主力已经向西面散开。Our troops carried the town.我们的部队攻克了该镇。Officers expect their troops to obey them without question.军官们要求他们的部队毫无异议地服从自己。The region was quickly occupied by foreign troops.这个地区很快就被外国军队占领了。In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators.政变结果是军队向游行示威者开火了。The city was being overrun by enemy troops.这座城市被敌军占领了。The officer ordered his troops to dismount.军官命令部队下马。The order caused much disaffection among the troops.命令在部队中引起了很大不满。Their troops were armed with mortars and machine guns.他们的军队装备有迫击炮和机关枪。Our troops were beaten back by enemy forces.我们的部队被敌军逼退了。The enemy's troops poured through an opening in our defenses.敌人的队伍大量涌进了我军防线上的缺口。The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国的土地上,这一点仍然让这些学生深感气愤。The US troops would be part of a multinational force.这些美国士兵将加入多国部队。When he reviewed the troops they cheered him as he smiled and raised his hat.他检阅军队时微笑着举起帽子,人们与此同时都向他欢呼。The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。The troops were backed by tanks, artillery, and other heavy armour.部队有坦克、大炮以及其他的重型装甲战车作后盾。




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