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词汇 land on
例句 The report landed on his desk.这份报告出现在他的办公桌上。He disappeared as soon as he landed on US soil.他一踏上美国国土就消失了。They say that no matter how a cat falls, it always manages to land on its feet.他们说,不管猫怎么下落,它总能设法四脚着地。Just when I thought my problems were over, this letter landed on my desk.就在我认为所有问题已都解决时,这封信来到了我的桌上。The blow landed on my right shoulder.这一击落在我的右肩上。Mary landed on Robert for dressing carelessly.玛丽因罗伯特衣冠不整而责骂他。Another memo from the boss landed on my desk today.老板今天又把一份备忘录放到了我桌上。A large branch landed on the hood of my car.一根巨大的树枝掉落到我汽车的引擎盖上。I guess this is my dream job and I've landed on my feet.我想这就是我梦寐以求的工作,我是撞上大运了。Two days later the book had already landed on his desk.两天后那本书竟然已经摆在了他的书桌上。The general landed on the scout for his not carefully observing the enemy situation.将军责骂那个侦察兵没有仔细观察敌情。He's been lucky. He's landed on his feet a few times when by rights he shouldn't have.他果真幸运,好几次差点儿出事,最后却都平安无事。He really landed on me for being late.他因为我迟到而狠狠训斥了我一顿。The egg landed on my cheek with a splat.鸡蛋啪嚓一声打在我脸颊上。A flock of Canada geese landed on the river in front of us.一群加拿大鹅落在我们前面的河面上。She landed on her face, getting a mouthful of sand.她脸朝下摔倒在地,弄得满口是沙子。Simon always manages to land on his feet.西蒙总是能化险为夷。As the blow landed on his chin, the man's head jerked back and he tottered drunkenly backwards.这个人下巴上吃了一拳,把他打得脑袋猛地往后一歪,像醉汉一样向后踉跄。Her shot landed on the putting green.她击出的一记球落在轻击区。The book landed on the floor with a thunk.书咚的一声掉到地板上。I fell and landed on my shoulder. 我摔倒了,肩膀着地。The egg landed on my cheek with a splat.鸡蛋啪嗒一声打在我的脸上。The bird landed on my finger.鸟儿落在我的手指上。The car turned over in mid-air and landed on its roof.汽车在半空中翻了过来,车顶向下着地。If you click on the link you land on his blog. 如果你点击这个链接你会浏览到他的博客。Blow after blow landed on the boy's head.拳头接二连三落在小男孩的头上。He jumped over the wall and landed on his feet.他跳过墙,站着落地。The ball landed on the roof and then dropped back to the ground.那球落在屋顶上,接着又掉回地面。A spider landed on her pillow and she screamed.一只蜘蛛爬上了她的枕头,她惊叫起来。A fly landed on the butter.一只苍蝇落在黄油上。The punch landed on his nose.这一拳打在了他的鼻子上。The planes took off and landed on without difficulty, completely independent of the sea.飞机在航空母舰上起降自如,完全不受海浪的影响。He landed on his backside.他一屁股坐下。The two countries disputed for years over a small strip of land on their border.这两个国家为了边界上一块土地已经争执多年。She certainly landed on her feet when she got that job.她一定是时来运转,得到了那份工作。New settlers in the west could buy land on relatively easy terms.西方的新移民可以用对应的分期付款购买地产。He fell over and landed on his seat.他倒了下去,摔了个屁股蹲儿。A butterfly landed on the flower.一只蝴蝶落在花上。The egg landed on the floor with a splat.鸡蛋啪嗒一声落在地板上。She gave the ball a boot, and it landed on the other side of the field.她用力一踢,球落到了球场的另一边。




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