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例句 For the first time she was seeing the more unpleasant aspects of her husband's personality.她第一次看到了丈夫个性中不那么令人愉快的方面。The speakers brought out the significant aspects of the problem.几位发言人揭示了问题的各重要方面。He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.他根本不在乎文学的社会、政治和道德层面。A period of depression can be a perfectly natural response to certain aspects of life.某段时间感到抑郁可能是对生活某些方面很正常的反应。The magazine is devoted to rock music, fashion, and other aspects of youth culture.这本杂志专门介绍摇滚乐、时装等青年文化。The inspectors will examine health and safety aspects at the plant.视察人员要检查这家工厂保健与安全方面的情况。Crawford counsels her on all aspects of her career.克劳福德为她的职业生涯提供全方位建议。At Yalta, Russia and Ukraine made progress in several aspects of their bilateral relations.在雅尔塔,俄罗斯与乌克兰在双边关系的几个方面取得进展。The group had choreographed all aspects of the banquet.小组对宴会的各个方面都做了安排。She complained that intimate aspects of her personal life had been made public property.她抱怨说自己私生活中的隐私都成了家喻户晓的事。We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.我们向你提供这个行业各方面的综合培训。The various feast days memorialize aspects of the life of Jesus Christ and various saints.各种宗教节日用作纪念耶稣和许多圣徒生平。She rotated around the departments to get a flavour of all aspects of the business.她到各部门巡视了一圈,以了解一下公司各方面的大致状况。The programme covers all aspects of health and safety at work.该方案包括了工作期间健康及安全问题的各个方面。Chris is dealing with the commercial aspects of this ambitious project.这项雄心勃勃的计划中,克里斯负责商务方面。They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.他们关注的是公开的歧视,而不是种族主义的一些潜在问题。They discussed some of the aspects of environmental protection that are currently being sloughed over.他们讨论了环境保护方面一些目前被忽视的问题。This summer school presents an opportunity to experience all aspects of dance.今年夏天,学校提供了一次全方位体验舞蹈的机会。Computers now influence all aspects of American life.如今,计算机影响着美国人生活的方方面面。Lawrence expounded on the military aspects of guerrilla warfare.劳伦斯详述了游击战的军事特点。It is important to keep the different aspects of your life in balance.保持生活各个方面的平衡很重要。He is falling down on the supervisory aspects of his job.他在监管方面工作做得不太好。Tradition governs all aspects of their lives.传统渗入到他们生活的方方面面。She shut herself off from all the social aspects of life.她不参加任何形式的社交活动。The two aspects are intimately connected.这两个方面紧密相关。The press should be free to publish and comment on all aspects of political and social life.新闻界应该有就社会政治生活方方面面进行出版和发表评论的自由。They like to use their analytical skills to compartmentalize the different aspects of a challenge and to then address one part at a time.他们喜欢运用自己的分析能力将一项挑战划分为若干不同部分,然后逐一解决。We need to open up a discussion on the basic aspects of the theory.我们需要围绕这一理论的基本方面展开讨论。Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life.孩子们用幻想来探索实际生活中令人不安的各种事情。He was interested in all aspects of the work here.他对这里工作的所有方面都感兴趣。I think there are many positive aspects to being a twin…我认为身为双胞胎中的一个有很多积极方面。We will be looking at many different aspects of pollution.我们将考虑污染的多个不同方面。We have been working on different aspects of narrative.我们一直在研究描述技巧的不同方面。She prepared for the interview by familiarizing herself with all aspects of the company's work.她从各方面熟悉该公司的情况,为面试作准备。The study encompasses the social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.这项研究包含了这一情况的社会、政治和经济三方面。In their evaluation of the project, they considered only certain aspects of it.在评估这个项目时,他们只考虑了其中的某些方面。The website gives free, impartial advice on all aspects of saving energy.该网站提供免费的、公正的、全方位的节能建议。There were aspects of her life that were not as saintly as the Victorians liked to believe.她的生活中有些方面并不像维多利亚时代的人所愿意相信的那样圣洁高尚。In his analysis of the novel he discusses various aspects of the author's own life.他在对这部小说的分析中谈及了作者生平的各个方面。I think there are many positive aspects to being a twin.我认为身为双胞胎有很多优势。




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