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词汇 lace
例句 The tablecloth was edged with lace.这块桌布镶有网眼花边。The bridal veil was fringed with lace.新娘戴的面纱上镶着花边。I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble.我有一双不错的溜冰鞋,可是不管我把鞋带系得多紧,脚脖子那里还是晃晃荡荡的。She wore lace on her wedding gown.她穿着镶有花边的婚纱。The curtains were made from fine lace of great delicacy.这些窗帘是用非常精美的高档蕾丝做成的。Rachel floated around the bedroom in a lace nightgown.蕾切尔穿着蕾丝睡袍,在卧室里轻盈地走来走去。I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace.我穿着一件带有白色蕾丝花边的格子呢睡衣。The sleeve was edged with/in lace. 袖口镶有蕾丝边。One lace had broken and been tied in a knot.一条带子已经断了,打了个结。The tablecloth has a narrow lace border.这条桌布有一条窄花边。The dress was black lace with a blue underlay showing through.那件裙子是用黑色蕾丝和若隐若现的蓝色衬里做的。These shoes lace easily.这些鞋的鞋带很好系。The top of the piano was covered with a lace cloth.钢琴的上面盖着一块蕾丝纱。Add a lace top for a touch of glamour.再穿上一件蕾丝上衣会更迷人。She placed a lace doily under the vase.她在花瓶下面放了一个蕾丝装饰小垫。We hung delicate lace curtains in the windows.我们把制作精美的蕾丝窗帘挂在了窗户上。I need a stock of lace for my throat.我需要一条蕾丝颈巾。I'd like a black coffee with a lace of brandy.我想要一杯加少量白兰地的清咖啡。The dress was white with a delicate lace border.这条裙子是白色的,饰有精美的花边。The tablecloth is edged with lace.这块桌布镶了网眼花边。The town became famous for its lace.这个镇因蕾丝织物而闻名。She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace.她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。The nightdress has handmade lace round the armholes and neckline.这件女式睡衣的袖孔和领口都镶着一圈手织花边。An early moon was showing through the lace of the trees.在树枝纵横间可以看到一轮初生的明月。Wear well-fitting, lace-up shoes with soft uppers.穿合脚、系带的软帮鞋。The bride wore a lovely lace wedding gown.新娘穿了一件美丽的蕾丝礼服。Her veil fell in a cascade of white lace over her face.她的白色蕾丝面纱如瀑布般垂在脸前。She wore a dress adorned with lace and silk flowers.她穿着一件带花边和丝绢花的连衣裙。This light, lace dress should get you in the party spirit.这件轻巧的蕾丝裙会让你有好兴致。Her fingers were too cold to lace the tent flap.她手指都冻僵了,无法系紧帐篷的帘子。Amber satin and white lace were exactly what she desired.琥珀色的缎子和白色的饰带正是她所想要的。Her ball gown was an old grey dress which she had prettified with some lengths of Brussels lace.她身着一件灰色的旧晚礼服,上面加了几段布鲁塞尔花边作为装饰。The collar is made of finest English lace.这衣领是用英国最精致的花边做的。The dress was trimmed with lace.这条连衣裙有蕾丝花边。Maria's lace-ups had got holes in the toes, real holes.玛丽亚的缚带靴头部有破洞,破得可厉害啦。Her wedding dress was decorated with lace.她的婚纱镶有蕾丝边。Has he learned to lace his shoes?他学会系鞋带了吗?Fred liked to lace his conversation with military terms.弗莱德喜欢说话时带一两句军事术语。The gift was beautifully decorated with lace and ribbons.礼品用花边和饰带装点得漂漂亮亮的。Brown lace leggings and black leather shoes completed the outfit.棕色花边紧身裤和黑皮鞋使整套衣服齐全了。




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