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词汇 Labor
例句 The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.劳工部的数据进一步印证了经济复苏状况的不稳定。He raised some proposals to reform the Labor Party.他提出了一些改革工党的建议。The Social Democrats wanted to occupy the middle ground between the Conservative and Labor parties in Britain.社会民主党想在英国的保守党和工党之间采取中间立场。The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.英国工党的年度会议今天在布赖顿闭幕。He isn't anything in the Labor Government.他在工党政府里不是什么举足轻重的人物。The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring.西澳大利亚州的工党政府明年春天要举行选举。Labor costs have actually fallen.人工成本实际上降低了。The Labor Secretary said there had been no favoritism toward management in the dispute.劳工部长称在这次争端中没有偏袒资方。They also hammered away at Labor's plans to raise taxes.他们还不断谈到工党的增税计划。Traditionally, election campaigns start on Labor Day.根据惯例,竞选活动从劳动节开始。Labor Day is always the first Monday of September.劳工节一直是九月的第一个礼拜一。The trading day is shortened in observance of the Labor Day holiday.因庆祝劳工节,这个交易日交易时间缩短了。Labor leaders figured that given the political mood of the time, Truman was the best candidate.工人领袖估计以当时的政治气氛看,杜鲁门是最佳候选人。If independents do end up holding the balance of power, then they decide whether Labor or the Liberals govern for the next four years.如果无党派议员果真取得了举足轻重的地位,那么他们将决定由工党还是自由党来组成下一届四年期政府。Labor union members have blacked the company.工会会员拒绝在这家公司上班。Labor Secretary Lynn Martin recommended major changes in the management operations of the company.劳工部长林恩·马丁就该公司的管理运作提议作些重大变革。The library will not be open on Labor Day.劳动节那天图书馆闭馆。




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