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词汇 昆虫
例句 The bird caught a bug on the fly.那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫Insects or wind pollinate the majority of plants.大多数植物由昆虫或风传粉。These insects are very difficult to eradicate.这些昆虫很难灭绝。These insects appear in warm wet weather, viz early summer and early autumn.这些昆虫总是出现在温暖潮湿的天气,即初夏和早秋。Not all insects can fly.并非所有昆虫都会飞。These chemicals are deadly to insects but they are supposed to be harmless to animals and people.这些化学品对昆虫是致命的,但对人和动物应该是无害的。Fish were surfacing to catch insects.鱼儿正浮出水面捉昆虫吃。Environmental changes are depriving the birds of the insects that form their staple diet.环境的改变正使鸟儿渐渐失去作为它们主食的昆虫Owls feed on insects, birds, and small mammals.猫头鹰以昆虫、鸟类和小型哺乳动物为食。Some of the insects will leave to form a new colony.其中一些昆虫会离群去组成一个新的群体。I flipped over the rock and saw that the bottom was covered with insects.我把石头翻过来,看到底下都是昆虫Some insects produce a dozen broods a year.有些昆虫一年产卵十多次。There are insects which mimic leaves.有些昆虫极像叶子。The flowering stalk serves as the domicile for another insect.开花的茎秆为另一种昆虫提供了栖息地。He is studying insect communication.他在研究昆虫的交流方式。Mothballs can effectively keep off the insects.樟脑丸可有效地防止昆虫的侵袭。Strictly speaking, spiders are not insects.严格地说,蜘蛛不是昆虫Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants.给当地植物传粉需要许多本土昆虫Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies.有些昆虫有一种天然的保护色可以防止敌人的袭击。Some creatures project their tongue to catch flies and other insects.有些动物会伸出舌头捕捉苍蝇和其他昆虫The bee is a diligent insect.蜜蜂是勤劳的昆虫Not all bats feed on insects.并非所有蝙蝠都以昆虫为食。The insects multiply rapidly during hot, dry summers.在炎热干燥的夏季,昆虫迅速大量增加。A grub looks like a short, fat worm.昆虫的幼虫看上去像一条又短又粗的软虫子。Insects are sowing the lake surface with their eggs.昆虫正在湖面撒卵。New blades have been designed to cope with the effects of dead insects.新的桨片设计使其可以应付昆虫尸体带来的影响。The insect can take on the color of its surroundings.这种昆虫能随环境而变色。I continued studying moths, and branched out to other insects.我继续研究飞蛾,并将研究范围扩展到其他昆虫He instanced the fly as a dirty insect.在说到肮脏的昆虫时他举苍蝇为例。Humans, insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals are all animals.人、昆虫、爬行动物、鸟类和哺乳动物都是动物。These insects/birds are pests for farmers.这些昆虫/鸟对于农民来说是有害的。Both are moderately large insects.两个都是中等大小的昆虫Some insects’ wings vibrate so fast that the movement is invisible to the human eye.有些昆虫翼翅振动得非常快,人眼是看不见的。Lubbers are slow-moving flightless insects native to the southeastern U.S.笨蝗是行动缓慢、不能飞行的昆虫,产于美国东南部。I can't stand insects in any shape or form.无论什么样的昆虫我都很害怕。These insects have two different methods of reproduction.这些昆虫有两种繁殖方式。How these insects actually communicate presents something of a mystery.这些昆虫究竟怎样传递信息可以说还是个谜。Insects play an important part in keeping down garden pests.昆虫在花园除虫上起着重要作用。Insects are defoliating the trees.昆虫正逐渐噬光树上的叶子。The insects lay eggs when they approach maturity.这些昆虫发育接近成熟时就会产卵。




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