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词汇 know about
例句 Make sure your children know about road safety.确保孩子们懂得交通安全知识。Do you want to know about a particular rare stamp or rare stamps in general?你是想了解某一种珍稀邮票还是想了解珍稀邮票的整体概念?I don't know about you, but I've had just about enough of this.我不知道你怎么想,但我已经受够了。I am sure that your parents will want to know about this, and I will personally bring it to their attention.我肯定你父母想要了解此事,我会亲自告诉他们的。They didn't want anyone to know about their romance.他们不想让任何人知道他们的恋情。I wanted to know about her divorce but thought it would be tactless to ask.我想了解她离婚的事,但问她又觉得不妥。My mother taught me everything I know about cooking.我做饭的本领都是妈妈教的。She wanted to know about his criminal background.她想了解他的犯罪背景。What we now know about the disease was learned by careful study of diseased organs.我们目前对该疾病的认识是通过对病变器官的仔细研究得来的。It is important to recognize how little we know about this disease.要承认我们对这种疾病了解得还很少,这是很重要的。Trust me - I know about these things.相信我——我了解这些东西。And what does she know about it? Sweet Fanny Adams!对此她了解些什么?她什么也不知道!I thought I knew all there was to know about men, until I met Jason.在遇到贾森之前,我还以为自己对男人已十分了解呢。I don't know about you, but I cannot conceive of a home without electricity or water.我不知道你怎么想,但我是无法想象家里没电没水怎么行。She knows about his criminal past and has been holding it over him to force him to cooperate.她知道他有犯罪前科并一直以此相要挟,迫使他合作。Well, I don't know about that.啊,我对那毫不知情。I don't know about you, but I'm starving.我不知道你怎么样,反正我是饿坏了。The neighbors know about his wronging her.邻居都知道他虐待她。You can tell she's in the loop. She always knows about policy decisions before the rest of us.她很明显是圈内人。她总是在我们所有人之前就知道政策决定。He knows about cars.他对汽车了解颇多。If you're going to start an argument with Alex, I don't want to know about it.如果你准备和亚历克斯吵一架,我可不打算管这事。Only his family and closest friends know about his past.只有他的家里人和最亲近的朋友才知道他过去的经历。How much do you know about the Moore case?穆尔一案你了解多少?I don't know about you, but I'm always having arguments with people!我不了解你,但我是经常会和人家争吵的!Does all this check with what you know about him?所有这些情况同你对他的了解一样吗?I'm sorry. Jim knows about last week's party. I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag.对不起,吉姆知道上星期聚会的事,恐怕我说漏嘴了。Everybody in the office wanted to know about my trip.办公室里每个人都想知道我旅行的情况。The little we do know about the people who lived here suggests they had a very sophisticated society.我们对那些曾经在这里生活过的人们知之甚少,但可以确定的是他们当时的社会已经相当成熟。I'm a city boy and wouldn't really know about living on the land.我是个城里男孩,不太了解农村生活。I don't know about you, but I'm ready for bed.我不知道你怎样,但是我要睡觉了。How much can you know about marriage? You don't have any hands-on experience.妳对婚姻能了解多少?妳又没有亲身的经验。The public has a right to know about this.公众有权知道这件事。Do you know about the other services available at your local library?你知道当地图书馆还有其他哪些服务吗?They said they'd let her know about the job by the end of the week.他们说周末之前会通知她这份工作的消息。Does she know about the meeting?她知道开会的事吗?I have a friend who knows about antiques.我有一个懂古玩的朋友。He knows everything about horses. = He knows all/everything there is to know about horses.他对马了如指掌。I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed.不管你怎么想,我要睡觉去了。There is one or two things I'd like to know about.有一两件事我很想知道。There may, however, be other reasons that we don't know about.然而,可能还有其他我们不知道的原因。




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