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Several other companies knocked off their dress design.另外几家公司仿制了他们的服装设计。One of those guys got knocked off.这些家伙中有一个被干掉了。What time do you knock off for lunch?你什么时候中断工作吃中饭?The boss said we could knock off early today. = The boss said we could knock off work early today.老板说我们今天可以早下班。Is it OK if I knock off a little early tonight?我今晚稍早些下班行吗?I've already knocked off three-quarters of my shopping list.我已经把购物单上¾的东西买齐了。I've a lot of work to knock off before I can take my holiday.我有好多工作要赶完才能去休假。Our team knocked off another two points.我们队又得了两分。He was planning to knock off a few videos, but the boss found out.他正要偷走一些录像带,被老板发现了。We knocked off a bottle of wine together.我们一起很快喝完了一瓶酒。The farmer knocked off the lumps of earth in between the blades of his plough.农夫把犁板片中间的泥块敲掉。The company was knocked off yesterday.该公司昨天被突然抄查了。She knocked off her latest novel in a couple of weeks.她用了两周时间就匆匆地写完了她最新的小说。Let's knock off now.咱们现在歇一会儿吧。They knocked off the best team in the league.他们在联赛中打败了最强的球队。The man who knocked off a bank last night was arrested.昨天夜里抢劫银行的人被逮住了。She was always good on the sewing machine. She could knock off an outfit in two hours.她总是很擅长使用缝纫机,两小时就能做好一套衣服。They knocked off a jewelry store.他们盗窃了一家珠宝店。He was knocked off by the gangsters.他被歹徒谋杀了。As I reached up to the shelf, I accidentally knocked off a vase.我往架子上爬,一不小心碰掉了一只花瓶。I've a few letters to knock off this morning.今天上午我有几封信要赶出来。Do you want to knock off early tonight?你今晚想早点下班吗?He hired a hitman to knock off a business rival.他雇了杀手来干掉一个商业对手。They knocked off a lot of valuable merchandise.他们盗窃了很多贵重商品。They have knocked off the whole cake in a few minutes!他们在几分钟内便吃光了那块大蛋糕。He tried to knock off two men who owed him money.他试图杀死两个欠他钱的人。The headmaster is trying to knock off every objection.校长正努力排除一切反对意见。Part of the puzzle had been knocked off onto the floor.部分拼图被打落在地板上了。Our schedule has been knocked off kilter.我们的计划被打乱了。They knocked off at nightfall.他们在傍晚收工了。They knocked off five dollars from the price.他们把价格降低了五美元。All the workers knocked off for lunch at twelve o'clock.所有的工人都在12点钟停止工作去吃午饭。We knocked off an hour early.我们提前了一个小时下班。If I get this report finished I'll knock off early.如果我写完这篇报告,我就会早点下班。He had many motives for wanting to knock off Yvonne.他有很多杀伊冯娜的动机。She was knocked off her bicycle by an overhanging branch.她被一根垂下来的树枝撞下了自行车。The politician was knocked off his pedestal by his daughter's statements.这位政客由于女儿的一席谈话而不再受人敬重。He was knocked off by the police.他被警察拘捕了。He knocked off a Nobel prize.他获得了一项诺贝尔奖。 |