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词汇 killing
例句 Vets have had to resort to killing the animals.兽医不得已只好弄死这些动物。Thomas McMahon was condemned to life imprisonment for killing Lord Mountbatten.托马斯·麦克马洪因杀害蒙巴顿勋爵而被判终身监禁。They know that killing him will only make a martyr out of him. 他们知道杀了他只会让他成为一位受人敬仰的烈士。Perry said Taylor approached him and asked him to carry out a contract killing on Johnson.佩里说泰勒与他接洽,要雇他杀死约翰逊。A truck ran into the side of the car, killing the driver and two passengers.一辆卡车撞到轿车侧面,造成司机及两名乘客死亡。Hurry up and tell me! The suspense is killing me!快点告诉我!我都急死了!The jet crashed soon after takeoff, killing all the passengers and crew.那架喷气式飞机起飞后不久就坠毁了,所有乘客和机组人员无一生还。The use of pesticides is killing off birds and fish.杀虫剂的使用将使鸟类和鱼类灭绝。The president has made an emotional plea for the killing to stop.总统恳切地呼吁停止屠杀。We cannot acquiesce in the killing of innocent people.我们不能默许滥杀无辜的行为。He made a killing in the stock market.他在股市赚了一大笔钱。The motive for the killing is unknown.杀人动机尚不明确。She confessed to the killing and led police to his remains.她交代人是她杀的,并带警察去他的尸首处。Uncle Bub described Union troops foraging, killing pigs and chickens, and stealing food.巴布叔叔描述说,联军发动袭击,杀死了猪和鸡,还偷走了粮食。Punishments for killing the king's deer were severe.杀害国王的鹿将受到严厉惩罚。The aircraft crashed after takeoff, killing two people.飞机起飞后坠毁,造成两人遇难。He ran amok with a gun, killing four people.他拿着枪疯狂地四处乱窜,杀死了四个人。Pollution is rapidly killing off plant life.污染使植物迅速大量死亡。The troops bombarded the city, killing and injuring hundreds.部队连续炮击了该市,导致数百人伤亡。He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process.他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平进程。The jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing.陪审团作出了非法杀人的裁决。Given that you don't like your sisters, you wouldn't contemplate killing them, would you? Sororicide is a very serious crime.即便妳不喜欢妳的姐妹,妳也不会考虑杀害她们吧?弑妹可是严重的罪行。The three soldiers are accused of killing the woman after a night of heavy drinking.那三名士兵被指控在整晚酗酒之后杀死这名妇女。The bus blew up near an army convoy, killing three people and wounding two.公共汽车在一支军方车队附近爆炸,造成三人死亡、两人受伤。Soldiers swept through the territory, looting, burning, and killing.士兵们烧杀抢掠,对那片地区进行了扫荡。If Scarborough beat Chelsea, it would be the biggest giant-killing upset of all time.如果斯卡布罗战胜了切尔西,那就是有史以来最让人震惊的屠杀巨人。I must sit down, my feet are killing me!我得坐下来,我的脚痛极了!He had made a killing on the stock exchange that morning.那天早晨,他在股市上赚了大钱。I was killing time watching old movies.我在看老电影来消磨时间。The killing caused an international outcry.杀戮事件引起了国际社会的强烈抗议。To my horror, the soldiers went on the attack, killing men, women and children indiscriminately.使我大为惊恐的是,这些士兵继续行凶作恶,不分男女老幼,见人就杀。Remarkably, the child recovered from a disease which had swept the world, killing and crippling millions.令人意想不到的是,这个孩子从病中康复了,而这种病症曾经席卷整个世界,使数以百万计的人丧生或残疾。The aircraft crashed after takeoff, killing all eight people on board.飞机起飞后坠毁,机上八人无一生还。My back's killing me.我的后背疼死了。The prisoner told the police who had ordered the killing. In return, his sentence was reduced by two years.犯人向警方供出了这次谋杀的主谋,以此获得了两年的减刑。The jury delivered a verdict of unlawful killing.陪审团作出了非法杀人的裁决。I was early, so I sat in a café, killing time.我来早了,就坐在一个咖啡馆里打发时间。Davis was found guilty of abducting and killing Polly Klaas.戴维斯被判绑架和杀害波莉·克拉斯的罪名成立。The war was killing innocent women and children.战争夺走了许多无辜妇女和儿童的生命。Perhaps the cat was killing to satisfy its hunger.那只猫也许是为了填饱肚子而大开杀戒的。




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