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词汇 killers
例句 Cancer-related diseases are the next biggest killers.与癌症相关的疾病是第二大杀手。This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.这个残害生命的杀人团伙以疯狂而狡猾的尼诺·布朗为首。Other officers gave chase but the killers escaped.其他警官追了上去,可是杀手还是逃了。The killers hunted Pedro down like an animal and murdered him in cold blood.杀手们像追踪野兽一样追踪佩德罗,将他无情地杀害。Detectives have launched a massive poster campaign to help in the search for two killers.侦缉探员印发了大量的宣传材料和招贴海报,以帮助搜寻两名杀手。Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom.那些冷血杀手那时已经将他们的尸体拖到楼上浴室里。Reducing the use of weed-killers is good news for the environment.减少除草剂的使用对环境保护来说是个好消息。The chilling truth is that the killers are still out there.令人胆寒的事实是,那些杀手仍然逍遥法外。Mrs Williams has spoken of her hate for her husband's killers.威廉斯太太谈了她对杀害自己丈夫的凶手的仇恨。The book discusses sexual deviation in serial killers.本书描述了连环杀手的性行为异常。Cancer and heart disease are the UK's biggest killers.癌症和心脏病是英国头号致命疾病。He swore revenge on the killers.他发誓要向那些杀人者复仇。He said stern measures would be taken against the killers.他说将严惩凶手。The girl's killers have never been brought to justice.杀害那女孩的凶手们一直都逍遥法外。The reading room held many students, as well as a few time killers.阅览室内有许多学生,也泡着几个消磨时间的人。The police are searching for his killers.警方正在搜捕杀害他的凶手。I've got books on serial killers that frighten the life out of me.我买了些关于连环杀手的书,读了吓得要命。His leg hasn't quite healed yet, but pain-killers make it bearable.他的腿尚未痊愈,不过吃了止痛片就能撑过去。Fans of FA Cup giant killers Crawley Town are celebrating their win over Derby County.足总杯巨人杀手克罗利镇队庆祝他们打败了德比郡队。Police are appealing for help in catching the killers.警方呼吁协助捉拿凶手。FBI agents identified his killers.联邦调查局的探员确认了杀害他的凶手的身份。Two of the killers are known to be racists.杀人凶手中有两人是臭名昭著的种族主义分子。Douglas was cornered by the killers in the back bedroom of a seventh-floor apartment.道格拉斯被杀手逼进了七楼公寓后面的卧室,无法再逃了。Many of these killers are frequently glib and superficially charming.这些杀手中,多数都是能说会道、外表迷人。Police are theorizing that the killers may be posing as hitchhikers.警方推断杀手有可能假扮成搭车旅行者。




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