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Three people have been killed in a bomb explosion in northwest Spain.三人在西班牙西北部的炸弹爆炸事件中身亡。He was killed in a fierce battle.他在一场激战中丧生。He was killed by an onrushing locomotive.他被飞驰而来的机车撞死了。Agnes was a battered woman who had killed, in self-defence, while temporarily insane.阿格尼丝是个饱受虐待的女人,她在一时精神错乱的情况下出于自卫杀了人。So far two workers have been killed.到目前为止,已有两名工人丧生。One soldier was killed when his patrol was ambushed.一名士兵巡逻时遭到伏击身亡。He was killed in a car wreck.他在一场车祸中丧生。Some twenty passengers were killed in the road accident.这次交通事故中约有二十名旅客死亡。He spent his life fighting for his country only to be killed on the eve of victory.他毕生为国而战,却在胜利前夕牺牲了。What on earth/the hell were you playing at? - You could have got us all killed!你到底在瞎搞什么?你差点把我们都害死了!We thought he had been killed, but he turned up safe and sound.我们以为他已遇害,但他却安全无恙地出现了。The police reckon that whoever killed Dad was with him earlier that day.警方认为杀害爸爸的人那天早些时候是和他在一起的。She killed him in a rage of despair.她在极度绝望之下杀了他。She killed herself in despair.她在绝望中自杀了。Men were killed in the flower of their youth.男人们风华正茂的就被杀害。She killed herself trying to abort an unborn baby.她在堕胎过程中死去。If this charge could be proved, the nomination would be killed.要是这个罪名能被证实,那么提名将被宣布无效。Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution.法国大革命中很多贵族被处死。He killed three beers in less than an hour.他不到一小时就喝光了三瓶啤酒。From the wounds of these women, we can extrapolate that they were killed by the same serial killer.由这几位女性的死亡征状,我们可以推判是同一个凶手所为。Detectives ordered the exhumation when his wife said she believed he had been killed.因他的妻子说她认为他是被杀害的,侦探们下令开掘尸。Five sailors were killed when their ship hit a mine.船撞上鱼雷,五名水手丧命。Latest reports say another five people have been killed.最新报道称又有五人遇害。The disease has killed thousands of people.这种疾病已经让数千人丧生。He was killed in sectarian violence.他死于一场宗派暴力事件。The man who killed him was acquitted, having taken precautions to pack the jury with his friends.杀害他的男子预先将他的朋友们安插进陪审团,从而被宣告无罪。He had been gunned down and killed at point-blank range.他被近距离开枪射杀。Eight people were killed and four are still in a critical condition.八人死亡,四人情况仍然危殆。Those Nazi soldiers killed the old man in cold blood.那些纳粹士兵蓄意把那老人残酷地杀了。In Celtic legend, Arthur was a Herculean hero who killed the Demon Cat of Losanne.在凯尔特传说中,亚瑟王是一位杀死了洛桑猫精的赫剌克勒斯式英雄。The Government's financial squeeze had killed the scheme off.政府的财政困难已使这个计划成为泡影。The cold snap killed everything in the garden.这阵冷汛把花园里的植物全冻死了。She was knocked down by a car and killed instantly.她被车撞倒后当即死亡。He damn near killed us! 他差点没弄死我们!Sgt. Salvatore Giunta had shot and killed him as he was dragging off Brennan.当他在拖走布伦南的时候,塞尔瓦托.吉安达中士击毙了他。In a confession made to police shortly after his arrest, Davis said he had killed the victim with a kitchen knife.戴维斯被捕后不久就向警方供认说,他用菜刀杀了受害人。Many people were killed in the bombardment.许多人死于那次轰炸。He killed the goat by slitting its throat.他割断羊的喉管,杀死了它。I want a full account of your movements the night Mr Gower was killed.请你完整地描述一下高尔先生被杀的那天晚上你的一切行踪。One American was killed and three were wounded in terrorist attacks.在几起恐怖袭击中,一名美国人遇难,三人受伤。 |