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词汇 Kennedy
例句 Did you know that she's a Kennedy?你知道她是肯尼迪家族的一员吗?Was President Kennedy killed by a lone gunman, or was there a conspiracy?刺杀肯尼迪总统是独行枪手所为,还是一项阴谋?Dubois was identified by immigration control, and arrested at Kennedy airport.杜波依斯被移民管理局认出,并在肯尼迪机场遭逮捕。President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.甘迺迪总统于一九六三在达拉斯遭暗杀。Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.肯尼迪劝诫听众远离暴力。The choice is between Reid's diffidence and Kennedy's ebullience.要在里德的羞怯和肯尼迪的热情洋溢之间作出选择。Morris has often been likened to Bobby Kennedy.莫里斯常常被人比作博比·肯尼迪。When I listen to her play I can hear a new Nigel Kennedy.从她的演奏中我听出了新一代的奈杰尔·肯尼迪。One of the big put-downs of the presidential election campaign was the comment that he was "no Jack Kennedy".美国总统竞选活动中最厉害的奚落语之一就是他“绝不是杰克•肯尼迪”。The lawyer told the judge that Kennedy had no previous convictions.律师告诉法官肯尼迪没有犯罪前科。Kennedy arrived at the same conclusion by a different route.肯尼迪用不同的方法得出了同样的结论。Kennedy and Johnson were the first "dream ticket".肯尼迪和约翰逊是第一个“梦幻组合”。Various members of the Kennedy family were at the funeral.肯尼迪家族的一些成员出席了葬礼。Kennedy was struck down by an assassin's bullet.肯尼迪被暗杀者的子弹夺去了性命。Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy?你有没有轻信过有关肯尼迪总统遇刺的阴谋论?This new book perpetuates all the old myths about the Kennedy assassination.这本新书使肯尼迪遇刺事件不折不扣地继续谬种流传。She married into the Kennedy family.她嫁入甘迺迪家。Kennedy was known as a brilliant public speaker.肯尼迪是一位众所周知的杰出演说家。Mark Kennedy is the new boy in the government.马克‧肯尼迪是政府中的新成员。Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator.肯尼迪没有接受过做油漆匠的正规培训。A new psychiatric unit will be added to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center.肯尼迪医疗中心将添设一个新的精神病科。I hopped into a cab outside Kennedy Airport.出了肯尼迪机场,我上了一辆出租车。He was pitched against Kennedy in the battle for the party leadership.在党的领导人之争中,他被推出与肯尼迪竞争。Kennedy mischievously suggested that professors ought to trade jobs for a time with janitors…肯尼迪调皮地建议教授和看门人互换一段时间工作。Kennedy was tipped as a presidential possible.有人预测肯尼迪可能会当选总统。The biographer believes that flaws in Kennedy's character weakened his leadership of the nation.这位传记作家相信肯尼迪性格上的缺点削弱了他对国家的领导。Kennedy's assassin is assumed to have been Lee Harvey Oswald.暗杀肯尼迪的人据说是李·哈维·奥斯瓦德。The clock clicks away at the Kennedy Space Center.肯尼迪太空中心的时钟滴答作响。He sees himself as the spiritual heir to Kennedy.他把自己看成肯尼迪的精神继承人。President Kennedy's assassination had far-reaching repercussions.肯尼迪总统遇刺产生的影响是深远的。Joseph Kennedy, the clan's patriarch, communicated with Bobby in a series of notes.宗族族长约瑟夫·肯尼迪通过一系列便笺和博比交流。The plane was circling Kennedy waiting for clearance.飞机在肯尼迪机场上空盘旋,等待地面着陆许可。A patsy was blamed for killing President Kennedy.一个代罪羔羊被指责行刺甘迺迪总统。Would the USA be radically different today if Kennedy had not been assassinated?.如果肯尼迪没有被暗杀,今天的美国会有根本性的不同吗?At that time, Robert Kennedy was head of the Justice Department.当时,罗伯特·肯尼迪是司法部长。When John F. Kennedy ran for president, his running mate was Lyndon Johnson.肯尼迪竞选美国总统时,他的竞选伙伴是林登·约翰逊。Who killed John F. Kennedy?谁杀了约翰·肯尼迪?Kennedy seemed to glide through life. 肯尼迪似乎一帆风顺。Many people still remember the moment when they heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated.很多人仍然记得听到肯尼迪总统遇刺的那一刻。There's a theory that Kennedy was killed by the CIA.有一种观点认为肯尼迪是被中央情报局杀害的。




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