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词汇 askew
例句 Matilda ran towards us with her hat askew.玛蒂尔达歪戴着帽子朝我们跑来。There were no shutters at the windows, and some of the doors hung askew.窗户上没有百叶窗,有几扇门也歪歪扭扭的。My hat was askew so I adjusted it in the mirror.我的帽子戴歪了,于是我对着镜子正了正。The picture hung askew on the wall.墙上的画挂斜了。Something has gone seriously askew with the show.演出出了严重差错。His tie is slightly askew in this picture.照片上他的领带稍微有点歪。He paused to straighten his bow tie, which was askew.他停下来理正歪了的领结。His tie was askew and his hair uncombed.他的领带歪着,头发蓬乱。Isn't that picture slightly askew?那幅画是不是有点挂歪了?




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