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词汇 会谈
例句 Their boycott of the talks constitutes a serious impediment to peace negotiations.他们对会谈的抵制成了和平谈判的重大障碍。The talks will only reach an early agreement by leaving aside the issues in contention.会谈只有搁置这些争论才能达成初步的协议。Western sources in the talks discounted the harsh Mid-east reaction.会谈中,西方的消息源轻描淡写报道了中东各国的强烈反应。He said the talks had been very productive.他称会谈极富成效。The ambassador made a brief statement, saying that the talks had been very productive.大使发表简短声明,称会谈富有成效。The President had talks during a brief stopover in Lisbon with his Portuguese counterpart.总统在里斯本作短暂停留期间和葡萄牙总统进行了会谈They need to break the logjam that has held up the talks for weeks.他们需要打破使会谈耽搁了数周的僵局。He is willing to leave the door open to future talks.他愿意给日后的会谈留有余地。There should be no limitations to progress in the talks.会谈的进展不应加以限制。The president is meeting world leaders at a summit next week.总统下周将在首脑会议上与世界各国领导人会谈A new round of trade talks is in prospect.可能会举行新一轮的贸易会谈Talks will resume next month to discuss the outstanding issues.会谈下个月重新开始以讨论未解决的问题。The prime minister arranged a meeting in his private office.首相在他的私人办公室里安排了一次会谈The talks remain deadlocked over spending plans.会谈在开支方案上陷入僵局。The talks were held in the northeastern state of Nuevo Leon, on the border with the US.会谈在东北部与美国交界的新莱昂州举行。He hopes to be able to announce a date for inter-party talks.他希望能宣布一个党际会谈的日期。The talks overran their allotted time.会谈超过了他们的预定时间。If they don't come to a decision by midnight, the talks will be abandoned.如果他们到午夜还不能作出决定,那么就会放弃会谈The initial negotiations are seen as laying the basis for more detailed talks.初期磋商被视作为进一步会谈做准备。Talks are likely to start next Tuesday.会谈有望于下周二开始。There's almost a giddiness surrounding the talks in Houston.人们对休斯敦的会谈几乎过于热衷。They will begin exploratory talks on a new grain agreement.他们将就新的粮食协议开始试探性会谈He made his announcement after talks with the President.他与总统会谈后发布了消息。Ending the talks now would project an image of being insincere.现在就终止会谈会给人一种不真诚的印象。Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting.会谈重新开始,以期结束战斗。The talks were frank and businesslike.会谈是坦率的,讲究实效的。The going was becoming easier as the talks progressed.随着会谈的进行,进展也顺畅起来了。During their talks, the two presidents discussed the transit of goods between the two countries.会谈中,两位总统讨论了两国间货物运输的问题。Union officials representing the teachers met the government today.代表教师的工会干事今天与政府官员会谈The two governments held secret talks on the nuclear threat.两国政府就核威胁问题举行了秘密会谈This gesture of goodwill did little to improve the tense atmosphere at the talks.这一友好姿态基本上没有改善会谈的紧张气氛。Improving trade between the two countries will be top of the agenda at the talks.改善两国的贸易将是会谈的首要议题。The White House has not participated in any talks.白宫方面没有参加任何会谈The two leaders had a brief conversation yesterday.昨天两位领导人进行了短暂的会谈Talks so far have been fruitless.到目前为止,会谈毫无结果。The leaders are holding private talks.领导们正在举行秘密会谈As well as general meetings, the president had one-on-ones with the other leaders.在大会之外,总统还和其他领导人举行了一对一的会谈The delegation arrived for talks with their government.与政府会谈的代表团已抵达。The talks merely highlighted the great gulf between the two sides.数次会谈仅仅凸显出双方的严重分歧。Both sides have spoken optimistically about the talks.双方都对会谈表示乐观。




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