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词汇 jumps
例句 His typewriter jumps and needs repairing.他的打字机老是跳键,需要修理一下。The horse jumps over a small stream.马跳过了一条小溪。My cat always jumps up onto the table when I'm trying to work.我想工作时,我的猫总要跳上桌来。The answer fairly jumps off the page at you!答案简直就要从纸上跳到你眼前了!A rabbit can make long jumps.兔子可以跳得很远。If anyone criticizes her husband, she always jumps to his defense. 如果有人批评她丈夫,她总会马上替他辩护。If a player jumps when taking a throw-in, it's a foul throw.如果一名队员跳起来掷界外球时,那就是不符合规范的。The movie jumps ahead/forward to when she was in college.影片切换到她上大学时的场景。The scenery jumps with my humour.风景与我的心情正相吻合。He jumps on me every time I get something wrong.每次我做错什么事的时候,他就怒斥我。Whenever anyone criticizes her husband, she immediately jumps to his defence.一有人批评她丈夫,她就立刻为他辩护。This gloomy place gave me the jumps.这个阴森森的地方令我惊悸不安。I don't like jewellery that jumps out at you.我不喜欢那种招摇的珠宝首饰。Everybody still jumps up and down about being rid of tyrants.大家都还在为摆脱了暴君的统治而激动不已。Following the attacks, he now jumps every time he hears a plane.袭击发生后,他现在一听到飞机的声音就会吓得跳起来。The sculpture jumps out at you when you enter the house.你一进屋就会注意到那座雕像。That's a very effective advertisement - it really jumps out at you.那是非常有效的广告——会让你一下子就注意到它。The ice-skater executed graceful jumps and spins.溜冰者表演了优美的跳跃和旋转动作。The city really jumps on New Year's Eve.除夕夜,这座城市真的沸腾了起来。She jumps on her children instantly if they're disobedient.孩子们一不听话,她就加以责骂。The skater landed all her jumps.滑冰者每次起跳均成功落地。The horse cleared all the jumps.那匹马越过了所有的障碍物。The story jumps back and forth in time a lot.故事情节在时间上来回跳转很多次。She was taking tiny jumps in her excitement.她兴奋得又蹦又跳。The horse jumps nicely.这匹马跳跃得很好。He jumps rope to warm up before the game.比赛开始前他跳绳热身。Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting.索菲娅跳起身来,扔下正在织的毛衣。




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