例句 |
To give you a flavour of what the book is like Jilly is going to read out a brief extract.为使您对此书略有了解,吉利将朗读一段简短摘录。Jilly and I decided to cheer ourselves up and go on a spending spree.我和吉利决定去大买特买让自己开心开心。Jilly was surprised by how pleasant and unpretentious he was. Not like a big star at all.伊利对于他的和蔼可亲和平易近人感到吃惊。他一点也不像个大明星。One of Jilly's front teeth overlaps the other.吉里的一颗门牙与另一颗有些交叠。In spite of all her complaints, Jilly looked the picture of health.吉莉尽管有很多小毛病,但看上去很健康。 |