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词汇 jibe
例句 His story didn't jibe with the testimony of other witnesses.他的说法与其他证人的证词不一致。What he told me doesn't jibe with my experience.他之前告诉我的与我自己的体验并不相符。The report does not jibe with the facts.报告与事实不符。How did your expectations jibe with the reality?你的期望和现实有多大差距?Her story does not jibe with his claim.她和他说法不一致。His report did not jibe with the facts.他的报告与事实不符。The bank is clearly fed up with the constant jibe that it has no clear management strategy.银行显然已经听厌了那些嘲讽其缺乏明确管理策略的风凉话。The couple simply can't get their schedules to jibe.这对夫妻根本无法协调各自的日程安排。




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