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词汇 January
例句 She'll be thirteen in January.她到一月份就十三岁了。The series is likely to be screened in January.这部连续剧有望在一月份播出。She'll be two in January.她一月份就两岁了。In the first week of January, thousands of guilt-ridden people signed up for fitness courses or embarked on diets.在元月的第一个星期,成千上万的人在负疚感的驱使下报名参加健身班或者开始节食。Shopping in the January sales can be maddening.在元月促销期间购物可能会让人大为光火。In Britain, the spring term starts in January and ends just before Easter.在英国,春季学期从一月份开始,到复活节前夕结束。The law is applicable from January.这项法律从一月起开始实施。She'll be fifteen in January.一月份时她就十五岁了。Many stores have started their January sales a month early.许多商店提前一个月就开始了一月份的特价促销活动。Their contract commences in January.他们的合同从一月份起生效。Every year the theatre puts on a show that runs until the end of January.每年,那家剧院会上演一个节目,直到一月底。In January the Earth reaches perihelion.一月份地球到达近日点。It snowed heavily during the month of January.一月份下了很大的雪。Much of the areas of the country have received subnormal precipitation since the end of January.一月底以来,这个国家的多数地区雨水都比以往少。They will have to pay much more when rents treble in January.一月份房租增加两倍时,他们将被迫多付不少钱。She'll be eight in January.她一月份就八岁了。The official figures for the year were published in January.年度官方统计数字于一月份发表。Prices will rise from January.价格将于一月份上涨。The icy January winds cut through us like a knife.一月寒风刮在身上犹如刀割。The General had promised to cede power by January.将军允诺于一月份之前交出兵权。The installation of the new archbishop will take place in January.新任大主教的就职仪式将于一月举行。She'll be four in January.她一月份就四岁了。He has been out of work since January. 他从一月份起就失业了。We had a terrible storm here last January.去年一月,我们这里下了一场大暴雪。He retires next January.他明年一月退休。It's January 1st; the year has come full circle.今天是元月一日,一年又重新开始了。The Russian government chose not to decontrol oil and gas prices last January.去年一月,俄罗斯政府决定不解除对油气价格的管制。I bought this in the January sales.这是我在一月大减价时买的。She'll be five in January.她一月份就五岁了。Their first baby is due in January.他们的第一个孩子预产期在一月份。The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January.公司停止了运营并在一月开始变卖资产。The General had promised to cede power by January.将军承诺一月份交出权力。She'll be seventeen in January.她到一月就十七岁了。It might be a civilized place to shop at other times, but come the January sales, it's every man for himself.人们在购物时通常都能保持风度,一月大减价例外,这个时候,人不为己,天诛地灭。The President-elect will officially take the reins in January.当选总统将于一月正式主政。The staff have been run off their feet during the January sales.一月份促销期间员工们忙得脚打后脑勺。January was merely a month away.离一月份仅仅剩下一个月的时间了。The website went live in January to a fanfare of publicity.在一番强势宣传中这个网站于一月份上线。The president elect has been preparing to take office in January.候任总统一直在为一月份的就职做准备。She'll be sixteen in January.她一月份就十六岁了。




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