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词汇 I say
例句 I thought the play was, dare I say it, boring.据我的浅见,这部戏枯燥乏味。They disagree violently with everything I say.他们强烈反对我说的一切。Around here, kid, what I say, goes!老兄,在这里,我怎么说就得给我怎么做!I say, I'm awfully sorry.我说,我非常抱歉。I know I speak for us all when I say how sorry I am for this mistake.我知道当我为这个错误表达歉意时我是代表我们大家说的。I say it's time to move on.我觉得该动身离开了。When I get ugly I say or do the worst possible way.我发脾气时,说话或做事的态度都坏到极点。It's so exasperating when he won't listen to a word that I say.我说什么他都不听,真是气死人。As long as you live under my roof, you'll do as I say.只要你住在我家里,就得照我说的办。You say I can't, but I say yes I can.你说我不会,可我说我就是会。I'm a pretty good golfer, if I say so myself.如果要我自己说的话,我是个非常不错的高尔夫球手。I'm a good cook, though I say it myself.我并非自夸,我做的一手好菜。I say her plan is the better one.我认为她的计划是个好主意。I'm speaking straight from the heart when I say that I believe Marguerite deserves to be chairman.我真心地说我相信玛格丽特应该当董事长。Do what I say or else!按我说的去做,否则的话,哼!He said we should do it. And I say ditto to that.他说我们应做这事。我同意那意见。Didn't I say it polite? He always says I'm not couth.我这话不是说得很有礼貌吗? 他老说我粗野。No one ever listens to what I say, but then I'm only the junior clerk.没有人会听我说的话,不过话说回来,我只不过是个小职员。First, may I say that I am extremely grateful for the trust my colleagues have put in me.首先请允许我对同事们表示由衷的感激,他们对我很信任。I've always been straight with people and I say what I think.我一直都是坦诚待人,心里怎么想就怎么说。Do what I say, and don't give me any crap.照我说的做,别给我添乱。I trust you will treat what I say in the strictest confidence.我相信你必会对我说的话绝对保密。Do what I say, and don't give me any shit.照我说的做,别胡来。Why did I say I'd clean the car? It's going to take hours!我干嘛说我来洗车?那要花许多时间!Take note of what I say and don't forget it.注意听我的话,不要忘记。Anything I say has to stand on the strength of its argument.不管我说什么,落脚点就是观点要有说服力。I say this without malice.我说这话没有恶意。You can believe me when I say I'll help you. My word is my bond. 当我说我会帮助你时,你可以相信我。我说话算数。I say, look alive. We've got only two minutes left.喂,快点,我们只剩两分钟了。Winter is finally over, and I say good riddance!冬天终于结束了,我说真是谢天谢地!I love to watch people's reactions when I say who I am.我喜欢观察人们在听到我说出我是谁时的反应。You will do as I say.你必须按我说的去做。Who shall I say is calling, Sir?那我应该说是谁打的电话,先生?Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.我实在告诉你们,你们中间有一个人要卖我了。I mean what I say, by George I do!我说话是算数的,决非说说而已。I'm your father, and you'll do as I say.我是你父亲,要听我的。Tom was doing the cooking - need I say more?汤姆在做饭——还用我多说吗?I expect the children to take notice of what I say.我期望孩子们能理会我说的话。Every time I try to talk to him about it, he just twists everything I say.我每次试图跟他谈论这事,他就故意歪曲我的话。As long as you're living under my roof, you'll do as I say.只要你住在我家,就得照我说的做。




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