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词汇 irresistible
例句 High interest rates have made these saving plans irresistible to small investors.因为利率高,小本投资者觉得很难抵抗这些储蓄计划的诱惑。The team appears to be an irresistible force this season.这支队伍在这个赛季里表现出一种不可战胜的力量。Women find his chiselled features irresistible.女人们觉得他那棱角分明的五官让人无法抗拒。Women find him irresistible. 女人们觉得他魅力难挡。His rugged good looks made him irresistible to women.他粗犷英俊的外貌令女性无法抗拒。It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back.事实证明回去对霍尔是个不可抗拒的诱惑。The lure of the long shot is practically irresistible to him.他实在抵御不住冒大风险捞一票的诱惑。To my parents, the pull of this beautiful country town must have seemed irresistible.对我父母而言,这个美丽的乡间小镇一定是有无法抗拒的魅力。Public spending has a seemingly irresistible momentum.公共开支的势头看似锐不可当。He found the challenge irresistible.这个挑战令他无法拒绝。She had an irresistible craving for chocolate.她难以抵抗巧克力的诱惑。Rob's smile was irresistible, and she responded with a grin.罗布的微笑魅力无法抗拒,她也报以咧嘴一笑。On this hot day the sea was irresistible.在这样的热天,大海具有强烈的诱惑力。The very high salary made the job irresistible.如此丰厚的薪水令人无法拒绝这份工作。The birds find the lure of the feeder irresistible.鸟儿无法抗拒鸟食罐的诱惑。He smiled his irresistible smile.他露出了他那种无法抗拒的笑容。The table was covered with irresistible chocolate desserts of all descriptions.桌子上摆满了各式各样令人垂涎的巧克力甜点。The force of the waves was irresistible.波浪的冲击力无法抵御。The urge to fast-forward is almost irresistible.快速进带的冲动几乎压制不住。The music is irresistible.音乐非常好听,令人难以抗拒。He had an irresistible desire to run away.他一心想逃跑,无法抑制这个愿望。Later, she would describe his magnetism as irresistible.她过后说起时会形容他的魅力难以抵挡。I cannot refuse this offer; it is irresistible.这一提议我无法拒绝,太诱人了。The arguments for a change in the law are irresistible.要求对该法作出修改的争论是难以压制的。Keegan's team have been cutting an irresistible swathe through the first division.基冈的球队在甲级赛中所向披靡。She gave me one of those irresistible smiles and I just had to agree.她对我那莞尔一笑真是令人无法抗拒,我只好同意了。He experienced an irresistible urge to yawn.他禁不住想要打哈欠。You'll find our offer irresistible.你会发现我们开出的条件非常诱人。They feel the case for change is irresistible.他们认为求变的理由不容反驳。I came upon an irresistible item at a yard sale.在一次庭院拍卖会上,我偶然发现了一个忍不住想买的东西。The cheap loans were irresistible.这些低息贷款非常诱人。He has shown a personal magnetism that makes him irresistible.他显示出令人不能抗拒的个人魅力。




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