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词汇 Irish
例句 Irish setters are such beautiful creatures.爱尔兰谍犬是非常美丽的动物。If the Irish come, it's for a jar.如果爱尔兰人来了,就是冲着酒来的。Irish folk music爱尔兰民间音乐This delicious soup recipe is adapted from an Irish cookery book.这种美味的汤,其制作方法是从一本爱尔兰烹饪书借鉴而来的。She had vowed to go out of her way to engage with the Irish people at local community level.她已经发誓要努力与当地的爱尔兰人建立密切关系。This is an obvious sop to the large Irish-American audience.这明显是讨好广大爱尔兰裔美国观众的一种手段。He is English, but has Irish connections.他是英格兰人,但是也有爱尔兰的亲戚。It's so restful to meander along Irish country roads.沿着爱尔兰的乡间小路漫步是多么惬意。He was extradited to Britain from the Irish Republic to face charges.他从爱尔兰共和国引渡到英国接受指控。The Irish coffee is a calorific combination of whiskey, coffee and cream.爱尔兰咖啡是由威士忌、咖啡及奶油混合而成能产生热卡的饮料。The Irish launch was preceded by a three-week teaser campaign.这款爱尔兰产品发布前是为期三周的悬念式广告攻势。He doesn't care two hoots about Irish politics.他一点也不关心爱尔兰的政治。His fair, freckled skin and blue eyes reflect his Irish heritage.他那白皙、长着雀斑的皮肤和蓝眼睛显示出了他的爱尔兰血统。Both sides of his family are Irish.他父母的祖先都是爱尔兰人。He comes from a family of Irish extraction.他出身于一个有爱尔兰血统的家庭。The book follows the plight of an orphaned Irish girl who marries into New York society.这本书讲述了一个爱尔兰孤女嫁入纽约上流社会所面临的困境。Recently historians have taken a far more balanced view of the Irish question.近来历史学家对爱尔兰问题所持的观点已经公正得多了。Lord Montgomery inspected a guard of honour of the Irish Guards.蒙哥马利勋爵检阅了爱尔兰卫队的一支仪仗队。This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour.这本书充满了萧伯纳特有的冷嘲式爱尔兰幽默。The Irish had cooked up tinned bangers and instant mash.那个爱尔兰人用罐装的香肠土豆泥做了顿饭。His comments were an unconscious insult to Irish people.他的评论是对爱尔兰人民无意识的侮辱。The British and Irish governments are still at loggerheads over the deal.英国政府和爱尔兰政府在该协议上依然争吵不休。Mr Blair said he had been encouraged by recent Irish statements about the issue.布莱尔先生说最近爱尔兰有关这一问题的声明使他看到了希望。He's got that lovely Irish lilt in his voice.他的嗓音很动听,具有爱尔兰人特有的那种抑扬顿挫。The words came out with an Irish twang to them.他们听出话里带有爱尔兰口音。This all happened long ago, when priests held sway over the majority of the Irish people.这都是很久以前的事了,那时,祭司们控制着大多数爱尔兰人。There's Irish blood on his mother's side.他母亲这边有爱尔兰血统。She's been talking in a phony Irish accent all day.她说话总是装爱尔兰腔调。American/British/Indian/Irish English美国/英国/印度/爱尔兰英语Another discouragement, for a child without any linguistic ability, was the use of Irish as the medium of instruction in the school.对于没有任何语言能力的孩子而言,另一件使人泄气的事情便是学校里用爱尔兰语教学。I usually travel on my Irish passport.我通常用我的爱尔兰护照旅行。The Irish came so close to knocking England out of the European Championships.爱尔兰队险些将英格兰队从欧锦赛中淘汰出局。His experience of teaching in Irish schools proved invaluable.他在爱尔兰学校的教学经验证明是极为有用的。He spoke with a soft Irish accent.他说话时带有柔和的爱尔兰口音。A collection of Irish stories was fathered on him.有一本爱尔兰故事集的作者被误传是他。He was from an ordinary Scotch-Irish family.他生于一个普通的苏格兰-爱尔兰家庭。He took a used envelope bearing an Irish postmark.他拿了一个盖着爱尔兰邮戳的旧信封。Wooden barrels are pressed into service as tables in Irish bars.在爱尔兰的酒吧间里,这些木桶被当作桌子使用。Any possible solution to the Irish question can only come about through dialogue.任何解决爱尔兰问题的可行方案只能通过对话产生。The great majority of the Irish people have always abhorred violence.大多数的爱尔兰人一向都痛恨暴力。




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