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词汇 discord
例句 There are omens of discord ahead.前面有不和的征兆。The discord of his music was hard on the ear.他演奏的不和谐音很刺耳。I don't want to introduce a note of discord into the evening.我不想给今晚掺入任何一丝不和谐的因素。There is a lot of discord in the piece.这乐曲里有很多噪声。The piece ends with a crashing discord.乐曲以一个刺耳的不协和和弦结束。Money is the single biggest cause of discord in marriage.钱的问题是造成夫妻不和唯一一个最大的原因。The leadership was trying to sow discord between the two factions.这个领导层正在设法煽动这个派别。A great deal of discord has arisen in the university over this question.在这个问题上,大学里出现了许多不同意见。The song ends on a discord.这首歌曲以不和谐之音结束。The city has long been known as a scene of racial intolerance and discord.这个城市长期以来就以种族不容和分歧之地而闻名。They have been deliberately attempting to sow discord. 他们一直在故意制造矛盾。A note of discord surfaced during the leaders' meeting.领导人会议期间浮现出不和之音。He wants no discord. Everyone must be singing from the same song sheet in future.他不想看到分歧。今后每个人都必须口径一致。The contrasts between rich and poor nations are a source of discord.国家之间贫富分化是纠纷的根源。Their house was full of discord.他们家老是吵架。He was cursed for sowing seeds of discord among his friends.他因在朋友中挑拨离间而被人咒骂。There has always been discord over NATO's role in world conflict.对北大西洋公约组织在世界各国间的冲突上的角色一直有着意见分歧。




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