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例句 Did you consider other alternatives before you moved in with Lucy?搬去和露西同住之前,你还考虑过其他办法吗?They couldn't expect to mix in with the children.他们想不到会和孩子们打起来。Top retailer Marks & Spencer has romped in with another set of sparkling results.零售巨头玛莎百货再次凭借一系列耀眼的成绩轻松胜出。He burst in with an urgent telex.他拿着一封电传急件闯了进来。There was no reason on earth why she couldn't have moved in with us.她没能搬过来和我们同住,这根本就说不通。On our trip we fell in with some interesting people.旅途中我们遇到一些很有意思的人物。He has managed to find a response to each new political development that chimes in with most Germans' instinct.他终于在针对每场新的政治变革的反应中发现了与大多数德国人的本能反应相吻合的一种。The illustrations were cleverly tied in with the text.插图与文本配合得十分巧妙。 He threw in with some crooked men.他和几个不正派的人混在一起。The job wouldn't really fit in with my family commitments.这份工作与我应尽的家庭义务相冲突。A masked terrorist barged in with a gun.一个蒙面的恐怖分子带着枪闯了进来。Mrs Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions.萨瑟恩夫人兴致勃勃地听着,间或插话问一些相关的问题。The train pulled in with its cargo of new arrivals.火车装载着一批新到的货物进站了。He was irritated by her refusal to fall in with his plans.她拒绝接受他的计划,他因此很恼火。She was in with the city's most powerful people. 她与该市最有权势的人关系不错。The frog reached the stream and jumped in with a plop.那只青蛙跳到小溪边,扑通一声跃入水中。The pictures were drawn in outline and then filled in with color.这些画是先画出轮廓再上色的。He's trying to get in with the teachers.他试图与老师搞好关系。Abby came in with a broad smile on her face.阿比满面笑容地走了进来。What he said ties in with the facts.他所讲的与事实相符。Carmen's reluctance to fall in with Driver's plans led to trouble.卡门不愿接受德赖弗的计划,由此引来了麻烦。He squeezed him in with a perfect bunt.他以一记漂亮的轻打使他得分。At this, some of the others chime in with memories of prewar deprivations.听到这话,另外那些人中有几个开始加进来讲述他们对战前贫困生活的回忆。I'll try to fit my arrangement in with yours.我将努力使我的安排与你的一致。Please write in with your comments.请将你的评论寄来。Ellie's going in with a friend who's just started a cafe.埃莉打算和一位刚开了一家咖啡馆的朋友合伙。I tried to fall in with the general mood of celebration.我设法融入这欢庆的气氛。To be a successful spy, you need to be able to blend in with your background.要做个成功的间谍,就必须能够融进所处环境之中。We aren't too far behind, so we're still in with a shout.我们落后并不多,所以仍然有希望获胜。Once she explained her problem, he was happy to fall in with her plans.一旦她说明了自己的问题,他就欣然同意了她的计划。My aunt and uncle asked me to join in with them on their holiday abroad.我姨妈和姨夫请我跟他们一起去国外度假。New members must fit in with the rest of the committee.委员会新委员必须和其他委员和睦相处。His beliefs didn't seem to tie in with reality.他的信念与现实似乎是脱节的。I mucked in with him till Christmas.在圣诞节前,我一直和他住在一起。It may be necessary to change your child's school if they get in with a bad crowd.如果你的孩子和一帮不良少年混在一起的话,也许有必要换个学校。My little son nipped in with a smart question.我的小儿子插话问了一个俏皮的问题。Choose plants that will blend in with the existing garden scheme.选购植物要和花园里本来的格局谐调。It seemed like a good idea so we just fell in with it.这似乎是个不错的主意,所以我们都同意了。He came in with four shopping bags and dumped them on the table.他进门后将手里提着的四个购物袋往桌上一扔。Joan came in with the news that a pay rise had been agreed.琼带来消息说加薪已获批准。




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