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词汇 invites
例句 Did you send out the invites to the party?你把晚会请柬发出去了吗?The similarity between the two invites comparison.两者的相似性让人很容易拿它们作比较。His poetry evokes/invites comparison with the work of Robert Frost.他的诗让人联想到罗伯特·弗罗斯特的作品。A bigger objection is that aggregation of the results invites distortion.一种更大的异议是把各种结果集中考虑容易导致曲解。The delightful sofa invites repose.看到那么舒适的沙发不由得想躺下休息。He invites me to go to ride a horse together with him.他邀请我与他一起去骑马。An Englishman who generalises about Ireland invites trouble.一个英格兰人如果发表关于爱尔兰的一概而论的看法,是会惹祸上身的。The Society invites submissions for a special issue.协会欢迎大家为特刊投稿。New Year's Day invites good resolutions.新年促人立志进取。Anyone who invites a complete stranger into their house is asking for it.谁把陌生人请到家里来就是在自讨苦吃了。The company invites suggestions from customers.这家公司请客户提建议。I realise that an Englishman who generalises about Ireland invites trouble.我意识到英国人如果对爱尔兰问题加以泛化的话会招惹麻烦。The spacious campus invites to the enjoyment of the out-of-doors.开阔的校园是进行户外活动的大好场所。His kind of personality invites mockery.他那种个性易遭嘲弄。A splendour and harmony of nature invites the soul.大自然绚丽和谐的风光令人陶然忘情。The sheer amplitude of the novel invites comparisons with Tolstoy.这部小说鸿篇巨制、气势恢宏,仅此就足以和托尔斯泰的作品相提并论。




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