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词汇 invest in
例句 He has attracted new and existing shareholders to invest in his company.他说服了新的和现有的投资人为他的公司投资。They invested in a shaky business venture.他们投资了一个不可靠的商业项目。I invested in the company on the strength of my brother's advice.在我兄弟的建议下,我投资了这家公司。The law clearly recognizes that a company is separate from those who invest in it.法律明确承认公司和投资者是分开的。The company wants to invest in new distribution facilities.公司想要在新的分销设施上投资。People rushed like lemmings to invest in the company.人们一窝蜂地把钱投进了该公司。The government agreed to backstop companies that invested in oil exploration.政府同意支持那些对石油勘查投资的公司。He showed good judgment in deciding not to invest in the project.他决定不对那项工程投资,这说明他的判断力很强。We need to invest in the higher education sector.我们需要在高等教育领域投资。Thousands of pensioners were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds.几千名领取养老金的人被劝说用自己的住房作抵押去投资投机性债券。My nephew wants me to invest in his business, but frankly I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.我侄子想让我在他的公司里投资,但是坦白地说,我不想与他有瓜葛。These tax shelters allow people to invest in shares without paying tax.这些避税手段使人们可以投资股票而不缴税。They had the foresight to invest in new technology.他们有投资新技术的远见。We must invest in the fabric of our hospitals and start rebuilding them.我们必须对医院建筑进行投资并开始重建工作。I invested in an Internet start-up but it turned out to be a real dog.我曾投资开了一家小型因特网公司,但最后血本无归。Why don't you invest in a phone call to find it out?为什么不打个电话问个究竟呢?The fund was invested in a range of state bonds.该基金投资于一系列的国有债券。The business will shrivel and die unless more money is invested in it.除非投入更多资金,否则这家公司将会丧失活力并垮掉。It pays to invest in protective clothing.在防护服上投资是值得的。It pays to invest in training.为培训投资是值得的。We invested in gold, secure in the knowledge that the metal would retain its value.我们投资了黄金,确信这种金属会保值。Because bitcoin is completely decentralized, no one is completely invested in the long-term success of the system.因为比特币是完全分散化控制,没有人对它的未来完全投入。She invested in smokestack stocks.她投资了重型制造业的股票。Many of the world's poorer countries are now beginning to invest in nuclear weaponry.世界上许多较贫穷的国家现在开始在核武器上投入资金。Real authority was invested in a Prime Minister and other ministers.首相和其他大臣们握有实权。We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.如果我们要保持竞争力,就必须投资开发新技术。It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.政府不在技术研究方面进行投资,实在是目光短浅。They shrewdly invested in copper just as the price started to rise.就在铜价开始上涨时,他们精明地把钱投资到铜上。The income drawdown plan allows you to keep your fund invested in the stock market after retirement while you draw an annual income from it.收入支取计划让你退休以后能够保留股票市场投资,同时每年支取一次收益。The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store.她的嫁妆钱都投到了母亲的铺子里。Education is the best way for a nation to invest in the future.教育是一个民族对未来投资的最佳手段。If you're planning to invest in your friend's company, I advise you to look before you leap.如果你打算投资朋友的公司,我劝你要三思而行。I am planning to invest in a good coat.我准备花钱给自己买件好大衣。These political tensions explain the reluctance of financiers to invest in the region.政局的紧张使金融家不愿意在该地区投资。Half of his money is invested in bonds and the other half in equities.他的钱一半投资债券,另一半投资股票。Market uncertainties have been driving the rush to invest in bricks and mortar.市场的不确定性引发了投资房产的热潮。Farmers invest in irrigation to manage risk in drought years.农民们在灌溉上进行投资,以便能在旱灾之年应对风险。We're going to have to stop living in the past and invest in new technology if the company is to survive.要想公司生存下去,我们就不能再沉湎于过去,而必须投资开发新技术。Most of her money is invested in stocks.她把大多数钱投资在股票上。A large amount of capital is invested in all these branches.一大笔资金投入了各分公司。




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