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词汇 intoxicated
例句 They seem to have become intoxicated by their success.他们似乎因成功而极其激动。He was asked to leave the nightclub after trying to take his clothes off while intoxicated.他喝醉后企图当众脱衣,结果被请出了夜总会。The driver was clearly intoxicated.司机显然喝醉了。His intoxicated assurance battened on their wonder.他们的惊羡使他变得更加狂妄自大。Our policy is not to serve alcohol to anyone who is already intoxicated.我们的政策是不卖酒给已经喝醉的人。I was intoxicated with the beauty of the scene.我已被这美丽的景色陶醉了。Leaders can become intoxicated with a sense of their own omnipotence.领导们可能会产生一种自己拥有无限权力的感觉,被冲昏了头脑。He was intoxicated and couldn't walk steadily.他喝醉了,走路摇摇晃晃。He appeared intoxicated, police said.他看上去喝醉了,警察说。She was understandably intoxicated by her success in the national competition.她因在全国比赛中获胜而欣喜若狂是可以理解的。He appeared to be very intoxicated.他看上去烂醉如泥。He was intoxicated by the power of his position in the government.他因自己在政府中拥有的职权而忘乎所以。Jensen was found guilty of driving while intoxicated.詹森被判犯有醉酒驾车罪。The intoxicated motorist is a menace to life and limb.酒后驾驶汽车的人对生命构成威胁。She was charged with driving while intoxicated.她被指控酒后驾车。He rapidly became intoxicated with his own power.他很快沉迷于他所拥有的权力之中。Driving while intoxicated is illegal.醉酒驾驶是违法的。These leaders can become intoxicated with a sense of their own omnipotence.这些领袖会因感到自己无所不能而得意忘形。He was intoxicated by her beauty.他被她的美貌所迷醉。How could she become intoxicated after only one glass of wine?她只喝了一杯酒怎么就醉了呢? The scent of the honeysuckle intoxicated me.金银花的香味使我陶醉了。




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