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词汇 bags
例句 The baker emptied several bags of flour into a bin.面包师把几袋面粉倒入贮藏箱里。Customs officers went through all my bags.海关官员检查了我所有的旅行袋。He pointed a gun and said "Make with the money bags, baby!"他用枪指着说:“把钱袋给我,宝贝儿!”He was a nice, old-fashioned gentleman who would hold open the door for you or offer to carry your bags.他是一位友善的老派绅士,会给你开门或主动帮你拎袋子。She trudged back up the hill, loaded down with heavy bags of groceries.她提着一袋袋沉重的食品杂货,费力地返回山上。We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market.我们把包扔在附近的格兰德酒店后就匆匆赶往集市。He came in with four shopping bags and dumped them on the table.他进门后将手里提着的四个购物袋往桌上一扔。Could you watch my bags for me, while I go to the toilet?我去一趟卫生间,你帮我看一下这些包好吗?I opened the trunk of the car to retrieve my bags.我打开汽车后备箱取我的包。Don't panic, there's bags of time yet.别慌,还有很多时间。Climbing five flights of stairs with all those bags was absolute bloody agony.拿着那么多行李走五段楼梯绝对是很痛苦的事。I was loaded down with bags so I took a taxi.我随身带着大包小包,所以就叫了一辆出租车。He opened the boot to put my bags in.他打开行李箱把我带的包放了进去。He left his bags right in the middle of the floor.他把他的几个包就放在了地板中央。She told him to pack his bags.她叫他收拾东西走人。I left my bags in the car.我把包放在车里了。We told her to pack her bags at once.我们告诉她立刻收拾行李走人。The bags have tough exterior materials to protect against knocks, rain and dust.这些包的面料非常结实耐用,可以防撞、防雨并防尘。The hospital collected more than 100 plasma bags from yesterday's blood donating activity.从昨天的捐血活动中,医院收集了超过一百袋的血浆。We brought home two bags of potatoes.我们带了两袋马铃薯回家。She had packed her bags during the night and was nowhere to be found.她连夜收拾东西走了,哪里都找不到她。I've got bags of photographs and one day I'll get round to putting them in an album.我有几袋相片,哪天抽空把它们放进相册。Joan sat down at the front of the bus, and plumped her bags down beside her.琼在公共汽车前部坐下,把行李放在身边。When he unpacked his bags after the trip all his clothes were creased.旅行归来打开行李时,他的衣服都皱了。The airline checked our bags before we boarded.航空公司在我们登机前给我们的行李办理了托运。These bags are made of degradable plastic.这些袋子是用可降解塑料制成的。Can you see the ties for the rubbish bags in the cupboard?你看到柜子里扎垃圾袋的带子了吗?He said goodbye and packed his bags for Denmark.他道别后就收拾行囊去了丹麦。The mail bags thudded onto the platform.邮袋砰砰地卸落在车站月台上。Please stow your bags securely in the overhead lockers.请把你的包整理好放在上方的锁柜里。Stay here and watch our bags while I go and buy some food.你留在这里看管我们的包,我去买些吃的。She dropped her bags and flopped down into the nearest chair.她扔下包,跌坐到最近的椅子里。Unaccompanied bags are either searched or removed.单独运送的包裹或是遭到搜查,或是被搬走。The man at the checkout asked me if I had brought any of my own bags.收款台那个人问我有没有自己带袋子。We were comfortably cocooned in our sleeping bags.我们有睡袋裹着,非常舒服。The rest of the group shouldered their bags and set off.组里其余的人背着包出发了。Their clothes were bundled into plastic bags.他们的衣服被捆好并装进了塑料袋里。I'd tell him to pack his bags.我会告诉他准备走人。Can you keep an eye on my bags while I go to the toilet?我去一下洗手间,你帮我看一下手提包好吗?With a groan of exasperation, he picked up the bags himself.他恼怒地叹口气,自己拿起了行李。




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