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词汇 intimacy
例句 The separation of many years has dried up their intimacy.多年的分离使他们不再亲密无间。He refused to tell it to me except in the intimacy of his room.除非避开众人耳目在他房间里谈,否则他不肯把这件事告诉我。The opening of the scene depicts Akhnaten and his family in a moment of intimacy.这幕戏的开场描绘了埃及法老阿肯那顿和他的家人其乐融融的情景。He enjoys an intimacy with the president.他与总裁过从甚密。One of the most suitable places for a rose arch is the front garden, where the tallness of the arch brings a sense of intimacy.最合适搭建玫瑰拱门的地方之一就是房前花园;在那里,拱门的高度会营造出一种亲密感。The room had a peaceful sense of intimacy about it.房间里洋溢着祥和的亲密氛围。Her sunburn made intimacy too painful.她的皮肤晒伤了,使得想要亲热一下都变得很痛苦。She talked to me with an intimacy that was not there before.她以一种从未有过的亲热态度对我讲话。The truth was he did not feel like intimacy with any woman.事实是他不想与任何女人发生性关系。She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage.她仍旧渴望拥有婚姻中逝去的那份缱绻和肌肤之亲。He felt he achieved a certain intimacy with her.他感到自己已和她达到了一定的亲密关系。He denies that intimacy ever took place.他否认曾经发生过性行为。He was prevented from declaring his love by his fear of intimacy.他因为惧怕与他人的亲密关系而不能表达自己的爱意。She still ached for the lost intimacy of marriage.她仍然渴望拥有婚姻中逝去的亲密感。We all unconsciously erect barriers against intimacy.我们都会无意中对他人的亲近有所设防。The defendant did not have intimacy with her.被告并没有跟她发生过性行为。An intimacy grew up between us.我们之间的关系亲密起来了。I prize that intimacy above everything.我把那种亲密关系看得比什么都重。She isn't capable of real intimacy.她不会跟他人真正亲密相处。It takes time to build up intimacy.建立亲密关系是需要时间的。A writer must develop an intimacy with the subject at hand.作家必须充分掌握创作的主题。The band liked the intimacy of the nightclub.这支乐队喜欢这家夜总会的友好氛围。For most people, sex is the physical consummation of emotional and spiritual intimacy.对大多数人来说,性行为是情感与心灵交融的身体结合。Gradually, a deep emotional intimacy developed between them.他们之间的感情日渐亲密。Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer.笑话能在讲述者与听者之间建立一种亲密的关系。




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