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词汇 as a result
例句 The economy stagnated as a result of these tax measures.这些税收办法造成了经济发展停顿。We have tightened up the defence and are winning matches as a result.我们加强了防守,所以现在比赛我们都是赢的。York Road will be closed and delays are likely as a result.约克路将被封闭,很可能会造成一些延误。He suffered brain damage as a result of oxygen deprivation.他的大脑因缺氧而受到了损害。The poor and disadvantaged will, regrettably, be the ones to suffer as a result of the new law.遗憾的是,穷人和弱势群体将成为新法律的牺牲品。Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.原子能因核裂变而释放出来了。Police say that she died as a result of a single bullet fired at point-blank range.警方说她因近距离中了一枪而丧命。Great benefits accrue to society as a result of education.教育的结果社会得益无穷。Shark numbers have dwindled as a result of hunting.由于猎杀,鲨鱼的数量已经下降。The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution.由于污染造成的恶果,黑海正面临生态灾难。He was late as a result of the snow.由于大雪他迟到了。The polar ice-caps are melting as a result of global warming.极地冰盖因全球变暖而融化。The film was banned as a result of protests by the Viewers Association and other so-called guardians of public morality.由于观众协会和其他所谓公共道德的卫道士提出抗议,这部影片被禁止上映。Some people develop psychological disorders as a result of trauma.有些人因受过创伤而患有心理障碍。Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests.几百万人因干旱和歉收而受到饥饿的威胁。The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spill.石油泄漏使成千上万只鸟的生命受到威胁。Weather patterns have been changing as a result of global warming.因全球气候变暖,气候模式已经发生了变化。Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.由于最近销售量滑坡,利润下降了。I had stuttered since my boyhood and as a result talked very little.我从儿时起说话就口吃,因此也就很少说话。These problems have arisen as a result of historical legacies.这些问题是历史造成的。Many claimed to have been cured as a result of the Madonna's intercessions.很多人声称他们被治愈是圣母马利亚代他们祈祷的应验。Our water supply has diminished as a result of the drought.由于旱灾我们的水贮备减少了。Many workers lost their jobs as a result of rightsizing.很多工人因为公司精简人员失去了工作。He died as a result of cold and exhaustion.他因受冻和精疲力尽而死亡。The land is severely eroded as a result of widespread deforestation and intensive farming.由于大规模毁林和集约式耕作,土地受到了严重侵蚀。Pensioners have been done out of millions of pounds as a result of the changes.这些变化使领取养老金者损失了数百万英镑。None of the banks changed their posture on the deal as a result of the inquiry.没有一家银行因为调查而改变对这笔交易的立场。The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.该计划的实施比原计划晚了七年,一是因为成本增加,二是由于技术问题。Nicole has suffered since birth from impaired sight as a result of cerebral palsy.妮科尔患有脑瘫,一生下来就有视力障碍。His car alarm had been going off for two days and, as a result, the battery was flat.他的汽车报警器连着响了两天,结果电池耗没电了。Some people suffered severe neural damage as a result of the disease.有些人罹患这种疾病后神经受到严重损伤。She has been too heavy-handed with background material and the story suffers as a result.她太过着力于介绍背景资料,结果反而破坏了故事本身。The patient may experience bouts of nausea as a result of the treatment.病人可能会由于这种疗法而感到阵阵恶心。The officer was displaced from his regiment as a result of misconduct.这位军官因行为不端被开除出团。He was scarred as a result of the fire.那场大火给他留下了伤疤。He suffered severe emotional distress as a result of the accident.那次意外让他遭受了严重的情感创伤。His sister died as a result of alcoholism.他姐姐因酗酒而死。She received an income for life as a result of her father's will.她因为父亲的遗嘱获得了一份终生收入。He sprained his wrist and, as a result , he will not be playing in the tournament.他扭伤了手腕,因此将不能参加这次锦标赛。Thousands of workers in the building industry will lose their jobs as a result of cutbacks.由于裁员,建筑业中将有数以千计的工人失业。




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