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词汇 in the face of
例句 We will never capitulate in the face of aggression.我们决不会在侵略面前屈服。He was shot for desertion in the face of the enemy.他在面临敌人进攻时当逃兵,被枪决了。Any soldier displaying cowardice in the face of the enemy was shot.所有临阵惧敌的士兵都被枪毙了。They showed immense courage in the face of danger.他们在面对危险时表现得非常勇敢。The young lady behaved courageously in the face of danger.那位年轻女士面对危险表现得十分勇敢。The gas companies are having to lay off staff in the face of stiff competition from oil.面对来自石油公司的激烈竞争,天然气公司不得不进行裁员。It is testimony to her courage and persistence that she worked for so long in the face of such adversity.面对这样的逆境她还工作了这么久,这就证明了她的勇气和毅力。He showed courage in the face of adversity.他勇敢地面对逆境。I admire their spirit in the face of such grinding tedium.我钦佩他们面对这种无休止的枯燥乏味所表现出的精神。The policemen bore up to their duty in the face of the mob.面对暴民,警察始终忠于职守。The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.政府面对如此大的压力,失去了信心。Downtown stores are looking for new ways to attract customers in the face of competition from the stores at the mall.面对大型购物中心内商店的竞争,市区商店正在寻找招揽顾客的新途径。The government performed competently in the face of multiple challenges.面临多种挑战,政府表现得非常出色。He retreated in the face of strong opposition.面对强烈的反对,他退却了。The policeman showed great bravery in the face of danger.那名警察面临危险时表现出大无畏精神。He likes to fly in the face of convention.他喜欢和传统习俗对着干。It is amazing how Daniels has survived in the face of such strong opposition from within the party.丹尼尔斯面对党内那么强烈的反对还是挺了过来,真不简单。They felt powerless in the face of disaster.在灾难面前他们感到无能为力。The President has been accused of being spineless in the face of naked aggression.面对敌人赤裸裸的侵略,总统被指责表现得懦弱不堪。She exhibited no fear in the face of danger.她面对危险毫无惧色。The policemen bore up to their duty in the face of the terrorists.面对恐怖分子,警察始终忠于职守。We must stand strong in the face of adversity.在逆境面前我们必须坚强。His resolve hardened in the face of further denials of the incident on the part of the management.面对资方进一步否认这个事件,他更加坚定了决心。He persevered in the face of active discouragement from those around him.尽管他身边的人们激烈反对,但他仍然坚持不懈。They carry on smiling in the face of adversity.他们在逆境下继续乐观地坚持下去。He struggled on in the face of mounting debts,面对不断增加的债务,他勉强硬撑着。The aim was to buck up their spirits in the face of the recession.其目的是让在他们面对经济衰退时能够振作起来。The court attempted to reach a conclusion in the face of contradictory evidence.面对矛盾的证据,法庭试图得出一个结论。They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster.面临如此显而易见的灾难,他们还在拖延时间。The aim, it seemed, was to buck up their spirits in the face of the recession.其目的好像是为了给面临经济衰退的他们鼓劲儿打气。The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.面对如此大的压力,政府畏缩不前。They realized it would be suicidal to resist in the face of overwhelming military superiority.他们意识到面对力量相差如此悬殊的军队,抵抗无异于自取灭亡。I felt helpless in the face of all these rules and regulations.在所有这些规章制度面前我感到一筹莫展。Emergency services seem impotent in the face of such a disaster.面对这种灾难,应急服务机构似乎无能为力。His explanation flies in the face of the evidence. 他的解释与证据完全不符。They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.面对遭征服的悲惨命运,他们保持了乐观的态度。The company denies, in the face of overwhelming evidence, that smoking causes cancer.即使在大量证据面前,公司依然否认吸烟会引发癌症。She succeeded in the face of great difficulties.尽管困难重重,她还是成功了。Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession.小公司以勇气和坚定著称,即使是在经济萧条时期。They showed courage in the face of danger.面对危险他们表现出了勇气。




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