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词汇 in the department
例句 She counted herself lucky to get a job in the department store.能在一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己已经很幸运了。Training is offered at each level in the department.部门内各级人员都要进行培训。There has been a major reshuffle in the department.这个部门进行了重大改组。She demonstrated a new car to customers in the department store.她在百货公司向顾客示范驾驶一辆新汽车。Dave has hit on most of the women in the department.戴夫挑逗过部门里的大多数女性。There have been no repetitions of this incident in the department concerned.有关部门没有再出现这种事。It may have been a joke, but you can't blame the women in the department for being angry.那也许算是个玩笑,可是也难怪部门里的女性生气。The police deny that racism is a problem in the department.警方否认警察局存在种族偏见。He resents the way his ideas have been hijacked by others in the department.他对部门里其他人剽窃他想法的做法十分不满。We have a good spread of ages in the department.我们部门人员的年龄分布很好。Griffiths dined out on his accounts of his first day in the department.格里菲思被约请饭局,讲讲他在部里的首日见闻。She studies painting in the department of fine arts.她在美术系学习绘画。We now have greater accountability in the department. 我们部门现在的责任更加重大了。There's an unspoken assumption in the department that Sue will take over the post when Dan leaves.部门里大家都心照不宣地认为在丹离开后,苏会接替那个位置。




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