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词汇 in the bank
例句 You can stow your jewellery away in the bank.你可以把你的珠宝存到银行里。He has earned himself an enviable position in the bank.他在银行里获得了一个令人羡慕的职位。His monthly salary is paid in the bank by his employer.他的月薪由雇主替他存入银行。She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.她不动用银行里的本金,靠利息生活。My grandfather refused to put his savings in the bank.我祖父拒绝把积蓄存入银行。Let your extra money stay in the bank and draw interest.让你那些余钱留在银行里生息吧。They've got pots of money in the bank.他们在银行有巨额存款。We have very little money in the bank.我们存在银行里的钱很少。Your money will be safer in the bank.你的钱放到银行去更安全。The bank dishonored his check because he had no money in the bank.银行因他已无存款而拒绝承兑他的支票。He has a couple of thousand pounds in the bank.他在银行里存有几千英镑。You must endorse the check before you deposit it in the bank.存入银行之前,你必须给支票背书。He has a couple mil in the bank.他有几百万美元存在银行里。My friends keep advising me to invest my money in stocks and shares but I've decided to play safe and leave it in the bank.朋友们一直建议我投资证券,但我决定还是稳妥点儿,把钱放在银行。He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank.他在银行存了五千元。There's still some money in the bank, but only a very little.银行里还有些钱,但是不多。Mary was in the bank to ask about opening a current account.玛丽在银行里询问开立活期存款账户的事。I'll put half the money in the bank and spend the rest.我将把一半的钱存入银行,另一半当花销。The money you deposited in the bank will accrue its interests on a daily basis.你存在银行的钱会每天累积利息。I'll put the rest in the bank for a rainy day.我要把余款存入银行以备不时之需。The raiders machine-gunned everyone in the bank before escaping in a van.抢劫者用机枪朝银行里的人扫射了一通后乘一辆厢式货车逃离。Is it better to spend your money today or hoard every penny in the bank for tomorrow?现在就把钱花掉好,还是把所有的钱存入银行以备将来之用好? She stashed the money away in the bank.她把钱存进了银行。I'm confident that there's enough in the bank for a splurge on a great pair of shoes.我相信,银行里存有足够的钱能让我破费一回买双好鞋。I have absolutely zilch in the bank.我在银行里一个子儿的存款都没有。He was suspected in the bank robbery, but the police gave him a clean bill of health.他有参加抢劫银行的嫌疑,可是警察当局证明他无罪。If only I had more money in the bank, I would gladly retire.要是我在银行里有更多的钱,我就很乐意退休了。When she lost her job, her only consolation was that she had some savings in the bank.她失去工作后,唯一的安慰就是银行里还有些积蓄。He had only a couple of hundred quid in the bank.他在银行里只有两三百镑存款。




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