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词汇 interrupted
例句 William's correspondence with Helmut was interrupted by the war.威廉与赫尔穆特的通信联系因战争而中断。The audience interrupted the candidate's speech with jeers and shouts.听众发出嘲笑声和叫声打断了候选人的演讲。He interrupted his holiday in Spain to return.他中断在西班牙的休假回来了。I'm used to having my sleep interrupted.我习惯了睡觉时被吵醒。Carrie interrupted his musing.卡丽打断了他的沉思。Rain again interrupted play at Wimbledon today.降雨今天又把温布尔登网球锦标赛打断了。She tried to explain, but he interrupted her in mid-sentence.她试图去解释,但他却在她话说一半时就打断了她。A knock at the door interrupted his concentration.敲门声打断了他的专注。Their dialogue was interrupted by Philip's voice.他们的对话被菲利普的话音打断。Rose's voice dropped and was interrupted by the rumble of Dagmar's.罗斯压低了声音,然后被达格玛低沉的声音打断了。When I tried to engage him in conversation, she always interrupted.我试图让他参与谈话的时候,她总是打岔。Julia opened her mouth to reply, but they were interrupted.朱莉娅张开嘴巴想回答,但是有人打断了他们。I was counting the money when he interrupted me and made me lose count.我数钱时他打断了我,弄得我数了多少都记不得了。My dream was interrupted by the most awful racket coming through the walls.我的睡梦被隔壁极为恼人的吵闹声给搅了。Mrs. Jones's powerful voice interrupted them, announcing a visitor.琼斯太太响亮的声音打断了他们,说有人来访。Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.我们的交谈被敲门声打断了。Sorry, I interrupted you. Please carry on.很抱歉我打断了你,请继续。The storm interrupted the town's electricity supply.暴风雨造成这个镇的电力供应中断。He was in conference with two lawyers and did not want to be interrupted.他正和两位律师商谈,不希望被打断。The sudden noise from the next room interrupted my train of thought.从隔壁房间突然传来的闹声打断了我的思路。The intense heat is occasionally interrupted by periods of cool weather.酷暑的高温偶尔被凉爽的天气消退。His dinner was interrupted by a phone call.他的晚餐因一个电话而中断。I lost my train of thought when you interrupted me.你一打扰,我的思路就断了。James interrupted his studies to travel around Europe for a year.詹姆斯暂时停止了学业,在欧洲游历一年。I can't remember what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted!讲话被粗鲁地打断后,我记不起自己先前在说什么了!In a poignant moment, Richter interrupted his speech to thank his mother and father.在感人肺腑的一刻,里克特停下演讲向自己的母亲和父亲致谢。They interrupted the customary one minute's silence with jeers and shouts.他们讥讽着,喊叫着,打破了惯常的那一分钟沉默。She was cross at being interrupted.被人打断她很生气。The regular television programming was interrupted by a special report.常规电视节目中插播了一则特别报道。The phone interrupted my train of thought.电话铃声打断了我的思路。They heckled him and interrupted his address with angry questions.他们冲他起哄,以激愤的问题打断他的发言。I'd obviously interrupted a man-to-man talk.很显然,我打断了一段坦率的谈话。She interrupted as soon as I began to speak.我刚一开口,她就打断了。Their luncheon was violently interrupted by gunfire.他们的午餐被猛烈的炮火打断了。Her musing was interrupted by the arrival of her friend.朋友的到来打断了她的沉思。The protesters interrupted her in the middle of her speech.抗议者在她演讲时打断了她。Gareth interrupted, though not nastily.加雷思打断了我的话,尽管他并没有恶意。They were interrupted by an apologetic cough.他们被一声透着歉意的咳嗽打断。My studies were interrupted by the war.我的学业由于战争而中断。The speaker was interrupted several times.演讲者被打断了好几次。




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