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词汇 ducks
例句 They should have had their ducks in a row beforehand, so they were ready to start the job when required.他们应该提前准备好,这样一接到要求就立刻可以开始工作。The tourists were sitting ducks for local thieves.游客们容易成为当地小偷下手的目标。The children have gone to the park to feed the ducks.孩子们去公园喂鸭子了。We could hear the ducks quacking.我们能听到鸭子在呱呱地叫。A flock of ducks bobbed near the shore.一队鸭子在岸边快速游动。Look, I'm not one of your lame ducks.听着,我可不像你们这群废物。We've been feeding the ducks on the river.我们一直在喂河里的鸭子。How was your day, ducks? 宝贝儿,你过得怎么样?In the evenings, ducks waddle up to the front door to be fed.傍晚时分,鸭子们摇摇摆摆地来到前门进食。Chickens and ducks scratch around the outbuildings.鸡鸭在小棚子四周扒来扒去。Production of the foie gras pâté involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell.制作肥鹅肝酱饼需要强制喂食鹅与鸭子,这样,它们的肝脏就会长得肥大。The ducks kept diving under the water to catch fish.鸭子不停地潜入水中抓鱼。Some poultry farmers keep turkeys and ducks as well as chickens.一些饲养家禽的农民不仅养鸡,还养火鸡和鸭子。I first saw her feeding the ducks in the park.我初次看到她在公园里喂鸭子。When he hunts ducks, he hides behind a blind of twigs and leaves.他打野鸭时,总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处。There were some ducks swimming on the pond.池塘里有几只鸭子在游动。The ducks started quacking loudly when we threw them some bread.我们向那些鸭子扔面包时,它们呱呱地大叫起来。There were ducks quacking on the lawn.草地上有几只鸭子在嘎嘎叫。With their bullets all gone, the soldiers were sitting ducks for the enemy.子弹全打光了,战士们成了敌人的活靶子。The elderly are often sitting ducks for shady financial deals.老年人往往成为不正当金融交易的受害者。The ducks skimmed across/over the water before landing.几只鸭子贴着水面飞过,然后落了下来。She went overboard on the theme of ducks.她一个劲地聊着鸭子。Some ducks took off and flew along the river.一些鸭子腾空而起,沿河飞翔。Every afternoon they went to the park to feed the ducks.每天下午他们都去公园喂鸭子。Even if you don't agree with him, you have to admit Senator Connors never ducks a question.即使你不赞同康纳斯参议员,你也不得不承认他从来不会回避问题。A family of ducks waddled along the river bank.一群鸭子沿着河岸摇摇摆摆地走。Messy walkways and picnic tables are just some of the headaches caused by the hundreds of ducks that gather by the lake.脏乱的人行道和野餐桌只是聚在湖边的几百只鸭子弄出的其中一些令人头痛的事。Several children were feeding bread to the ducks.几个小孩子在拿面包喂鸭子。They fattened up ducks and geese.他们喂肥了鹅鸭。There were ducks among the geese.一群鹅中有几只鸭子。The ducks took wing and flew away.鸭子扑棱着翅膀飞走了。The ducks dabbled in the stream.鸭子在小河里嬉水。We spotted some ducks feeding in a nearby pond.我们发现一些鸭子在附近的池塘里摄食。She loved to sit in the park and feed the ducks.她喜欢坐在公园里喂喂鸭子。Hunters decoyed the ducks to the pond.猎人们把鸭群引诱到池塘。Hens and ducks squawk when frightened.鸡鸭在受惊时会咯咯呱呱大叫。The ducks skimmed the surface of the pond before landing.几只鸭子贴着池塘的水面飞过,然后落了下来。There are often wild ducks swimming in the creek.小溪中常有野鸭戏水。We watched the ducks paddle across the lake.我们看着鸭子轻轻拨水游过湖面。It is natural for ducks to swim.鸭子生来就会游水。




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